

A:May I help you?B:Yes.Do you exchange foreign money here?A:Yes.Our bank is authorized to deal with the foreign exchange business.B:What kinds of currencies do you change?A:Nowadays, we can change three currencies,US dollars,Japanese Yen and HK dollars.B:Could you tell me what today's exchange rate for US dollars is?A:您需要什么服务吗?B:需要。

请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?A:是。 我行经授权可以办理外汇业务。


B:您能告诉我今天的美元汇率是多少吗?A:The buying rate is 826.44 RMB for 100 US dollars.B:I want to change some US dollars to cover my expenses here.A:Please go to Counter No. 2. That's the foreign exchange counter.It’s over there.B:Thank you.A:银行买价是100美元换826.44元人民币。

B:我想换一些美元来支付我的一些费用。 A:请到2号柜台,外汇柜台办理。 就在那边。 B:谢谢。

2A:What can I do for you?B:Yes.I'd like to change some US

dollars.What’s today's rate of US dollars to RMB?A:It's 826.44 RMB per hundred US dollars.B:How much would you like to change?A:200 US dollars total.B:Please fill out the exchange form.A:All right.

3A:Excuse me.Do you exchange foreign currency here?B:Yes,we do.A:This is my traveller's check.Can you cash it for me?B:Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here.A:Is that all right?B:Okay.One more thing,please sign your name on the back of the check and don't forget to date it and show me your passport.A:All right.Here you are.B:Okay.Here are your money with the memo and your passport.Please check it.A:That's good.B:Hope to see you again.3A:请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?B:兑换。 A:这是我的旅行支票。 能兑现吗?。

B:请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址。 A:这样对吗?B:行。

还有,请在支票背面签上您的名字,别忘了注明日期,并出示护照。 A:好的。 给您。

B:好,给您钱,兑换水单和护照。 请核对。 A:没错。


4A:Excuse me.I want to convert 200 US dollars into Chinese yuan.B:This is an exchange memo.Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change.

B:这是外汇兑换水单,请填上您的姓名,需要兑换的金额。 A:美钞的汇率是多少?B:今天的现钞买入价是每一百美元兑换819.40元人民币。

您带护照了吗?A:带了。 给您。


请等一会,您就能拿到钱。 B:不着急。

A:这是现金和外汇兑换水单。 请核对一下。 B:不错。

5A:Excuse me.Can I buy Chinese yuan with American dollars?B:Certainly.What's the amount you want to change?A:200 US dollars.B:Please fill in the exchange memo and show me your passport.A:Is that all right?B:Well.Remember to sign your name on the memo.A:Here you are.B:Here is the money, and also your passport and exchange

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