2018-2019年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试卷(附答案)



Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

Ⅰ.听辨单词,找出你所听到的句子中包含的单词。 1.A.Australia 2.A.Tokyo

B.America B.Mexico B.English B.biology


C.Seoul C.Spanish C.gymnastics C.New Zealand

3.A.French 4.A.physics

5.A.the United Kingdom B.the United States

Ⅱ.单句理解,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语。 1.A.English.



2.A.No,she can’t. 3.A.Thank you.

B.Yes,she does. B.Don’t say so.

C.Yes,she speaks. C.It’s a little bad. C.He lives in France. C.England.

4.A.He lives in Spanish. 5.A.Basketball.

B.He lives in Korea. B.P.E.

Ⅲ.对话理解,根据你所听到的对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案。 1.A.South America.

B.South Korea.

C.South Africa.

2.A.English and Spanish. 3.A.He lives in Canada. 4.A.No,he doesn’t. 5.A.Football.

B.Spanish and French. B.He lives in Australia. B.Yes,he does. B.Basketball.

C.English and French. C.He lives in America. C.He doesn’t know.


Part 2 Elementary exercises for language using

(第二部分 基础知识运用) Ⅳ.Multiple choice(单项选择)

1.I’d like to ask you ______ the shop with me. A.go to

B.to go

C.to go to


2.There is ______ food in the fridge(冰箱). A.a little C.many

B.any D.few

3.Hi,Mary.Here’s a letter ______ you.Who is it ______? A.to;for C.for;fo

B.to;to D.for;from

4.They ______ go to work today. A.aren’t

B.don’t D.isn’t


5.We don’t know ______ names. A.each other

B.each others’ D.each’

C.each other’s

6.-Do you speak English? -Yes,but______. A.only some 7.Let’s ______. A.to be friends C.be friend

B.be friends

B.only many

C.only a little

D.only much

D.to be friend

8.______is the first day of the week.

A.Monday C.Sunday



9.We go to school five days ______ week. A.a




10.Look,______ your backpack. A.there is

B.here is

C.here are

D.there are

Ⅴ.Cloze(完形填空) Dear Tom,

Thank you 1 your letter.I show (给……看)it to some of my 2 in school.Some of my classmates 3 friends in other (其他的) 4 ,too.They also get letters 5 their friends.One of the letters 6 from Australia.One is from 7 .

Now I want 8 you about my family.My 9 are teachers.I have a brother and a sister.My sister 10 in a school.My brother is a student.

Please write to me soon. Yours, Han Mei 1.A.for



2.A.parents 3.A.has


C.classmates C.have C.countries C.from C.do C.French

B.there are B.countrys B.in B.is

4.A.country 5.A.for 6.A.are

7.A.English B.England

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