2009年山东省青岛市中考英语试题及答案 - 图文

from getting good grades, and from making friends. I had to stop watching TV. So I did. I gave away my television, and I’ve never looked back. I started doing better in school, made more friends, started having more energy. I don’t know if I’ll continue to have a TV-free life. But if I do watch television again, it won’t be like before. I’m sure that television will never again be a major part of my life.

1. 请将右边的两个标题与左边相对应的段落连线。(2分)

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

2. 回答问题。(1分)

What did his family always talk about during the summer vacation?


3. 从原文中找出与所给句子意思接近的句子。(1分)

I’m not sure whether I’ll go on living a life without watching TV.

. 4. 根据上下文将划线句子an idea jumped into my head译为汉语。(1分)

. 5. 根据短文内容,完成下列表格。(每空1分,共5分)

a. The courses were (1) _____________________________________. Reasons of watching b. There was a lot of homework. TV more c. He (2) ____________________________ in his new environment. Results of watching a. He didn’t have a lot of friends. TV more b. His grades (3) ____________________________. did better in school, Results of stopping watching TV He (4) _________________________________________, (5)__________________________________________. A. Stay Away From TV

B. My College Life With TV

得 分

阅卷人 复核人 B. 阅读下列名片,完成短文,每空词数不限。(每空1分,



Pat Ridley Teacher, English as a Second Language 301 North Main Street Phone: 513-371-1000 Dayton, Ohio 45426 Culture and Cooking Providing all cooking service Judy Norris Porter Phone/ Fax: 617-792-1678 Tutors

Reading, Math, Science

Dave Potsaid

25 Windy Way, Florida 32611

Phone: 904-627-8369

Apple Tree Company Jill Jameson, Manager 36 Monroe Street 212-876-6985 New York 10012 Voice Mailbox: 629

is always ready to tutor you in reading, math and science. Pat Ridley is a good teacher for people who want to learn English . Apple Tree Company is at , New York. The manager’s voice mailbox is . If you need some cooking service, you can call Judy at .

得 分 阅卷人 复核人 IX. 书面表达(共15分)







These years, our life is getting better and better. People begin to pay more attention to the healthy lifestyle. We try to make our life colorful and healthy.

参考词汇: food, sports, travel, relax, serve, volunteer, lifestyle, habit







1—5 B A C B C 6—10 A C A B C 11—15 C B B A B 单项选择

16—20 D A B B A 21—25 C B B D C 26—30 B C D C A 31—35 D B D A D 阅读理解

36—40 A B B A A 41—45 A C B D C 46—50 A D B C C


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