
? Feudalism(封建制)

? ----Feudalism was the system of loyalties and protections during the Middle Ages.

It was also a political and economic system based on land-holding and protective alliances, emerges in Europe. ? The crusade(十字军东征)

? ----The crusade were a series of military campaigns during the time of Medieval

England against the Muslims of the Middle East. It waged by much of Roman Catholic Europe, particularly the Franks of France and Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 129 ? . 启蒙教育:The renaissance is the “rebirth”of Europe,a period when scholars become

more interested in studying the world around them,when art became more lifelike,and when Europeans began to explore new lands. Arab scholars preserved the writings of the ancient Greeks in their libraries. When tradesmen from cities in northern Italy came into contact with Arabians,they exchanged ideas as well as goods. Many Christian scholars moved to Italy from Greece after the Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks in 1453.

? The renaissance influenced painting,sculpture,and architecture. Painting became more

realistic and focused less often on religious topics. Rich families became patrons by commissioning great arts. Artists advanced the renaissance style of showing nature and depicting the feeling of people.

? 宗教改革运动:The Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a

socio-political movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg his 95 Theses. This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible.

? 欧洲庄园:A manor is the land owned by a noble and everything on it. A typical manor

consisted of a castle,small village,and farmland.

? 新教主义:Reformation movement broke the absolute authority of the Roman

Catholic Church. In Europe,different denominations with the orthodox church began to appear one after another. Protestantism came into being. Liberal ideals took wing and as the countries in Europe went on their different ways to free themselves from the religious,political and economical control of the papal authorities,they each went on its way to nationhood and the way thus prepared for capitalist development.

? 文艺复兴:About 1450, European scholars became more interested in studying the world

around them. Their art became more true to life. They began to explore new lands .The new age in Europe was eventually called “the Renaissance”

? 人文主义:Humanism (the philosophy that people are rational beings) became quite

popular during the Renaissance. The dignity and worth of the individual was emphasized. This movement originated with the study of classical culture and a group of subjects known

collectively as the “the humanities”

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