

“Mama, when I grow up, I’m going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my __36__ took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was __37__ to more, my interests in the world of dance __38__ varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a __39__ in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a __40__; I became a member of the company __41__ back to 1925. As I look back on that day now, it surely __42__ any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief __43__ I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day. I never actually __44__ to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely __45__. I remember shaking with excitement. Though I was absolutely thrilled with the change, it did not come without its fair share of __46__. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to __47__ up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme __48__ to detail (细节) and stress on practice that set us __49__. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals __50__ a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new __51__ of the words “hard work.” What I thought were my physical __52__ were pushed much further than I thought __53__. I learned to make each performance better than the last. Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great __54__ of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a __55__ that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow-and inspires people every day to follow their dreams. 36. A. hobby B. plan C. dream D. word 37. A connected B. expanded C. exposed D. extended 38. A. rarely B. certainly C. probably D. consistently 39. A. director B. trainer C. leader D. dancer 40. A. symbol B. memory C. truth D. reality 41. A. bouncing B. dating C. turning D. tracking 42. A. lacks B. adds C. makes D. brings 43. A. while B. since C. until D. when 44. A. Cared B. Expected C. Asked D. Decided 45. A. motivated B. relaxed C. convinced D. astonished 46. A. challenges B. profits C. advantages D. adventures 47. A. put B. mix C. build D. pick 48. A. Attention B. association C. attraction D. adaptation 49. A. apart B. aside C. off D. back 50. A. over B. by C. with D. beyond 51. A. function B. meaning C. expression D. usage 52. A. boundaries B. problems C. barriers D. efforts 53. A. necessary B. perfect C. proper D. possible 54. A. talent B. honor C. potential D. responsibility 55. A. victory B. trend C. tradition D. desire 36. C。梦想,在第39题之前也有提到,前后呼应。

37. C。固定搭配,expose to,引申为越来越多的接触到dancing。

38. B。随着作者年龄的增长,接触的食物越来越多,兴趣发生了变化,用certainly。


39. D。前后线索。40. D。梦想成为现实。41. B。固定搭配,date back to 追溯至。42. A。作者不相信自己已经被录取了,缺少现实感。43. C。直到自己身处培训之前,都不敢相信自己被录取了,用until 44. B。我从未期望得到这份工作,用expected。45. D。由shaking with excitement联系到此空为“吃惊”的含义。46. A。之后面临着许多挑战,用challenge。47. D。pick up 固定搭配,表示学习。48. A。concentration是关键词,前后线索,用attention。49. A。set apart使……与众不同,作者认为自己所在dancing team与其它不同的地方在于对细节的关注和精力的高度集中。50. C。介词考查,修饰rehearsal,有繁忙日程规划的预演。51. B。重新理解了hard work的含义,用meaning。52. A。有动词push为线索,推断出搭配的为界限。53. D。之前想过的可能的强度,用possible。54. B。能够成为公司的一员感到十分荣幸,用honored。55. C。注意后边的时态,has inspired,还有关键词generations of,所以为一个传统。


When I settled in Chicago,my new city seemed so big and unfriendly, Then I had a 36 problem and had to go to hospital for a 37 examination.

It seemed a small 38 compared to the one I was about to face ,but things started to go 39 right from the beginning , Not having a car or 40 the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B, 41 I’d left myself plenty of time, soon it was 42 I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the 43 direction. I 44 the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do, I look into the eyes of a 45 who was trying to get past me, 46 instead of moving on ,she stopped to ask if I was 47 , After I explained my 48 to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street , where a bus would take me back into the city to my 49 . Sitting there waiting , I felt 50 that someone had been willing to help . 51 , hearing a horn (喇叭) nearby, I looked up to see a car with my new friend 52 at me to get in, She had returned to offer me a 53 to the hospital. Such unexpected 54 from a passer-by was a lovely gift to receive, As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank her, she smiled and told me not to lose 55 ,for all things are possible.

36. A. physical B. traveling C. social D.housing A 后面说 不得不去医院37. A. scientific B.final C.previous D. Thorough

D A 表示科学检查 B 表示最终检查 C 表示“以前的”,D表示“全面的”

38. A. chance B. challenge C. success D.error 与后面的face相匹配

39. A. wrong B. easy C. fast D. Ahead 与前面的go 构成词组,表示出错了。

40. A. leaving B. visiting C. knowing D. Appreciating 没有自己的车,不了解这所城市,后面走错路是必然

41. A. Although B. Since C. Unless D. Once 虽然留了足够的时间 42. A. strange B. necessary C. obvious D. Important 很明显要迟到了,暗示后面的appointment.

43. A. same B. right C. general D. opposite 方向反了,后面的back into the city就是暗示

44. A. looked at B. waited for C. got off D. ran into 下车,然后站在人行道上pavement

45. A. driver B. friend C. stranger D. Gentleman 满眼都是陌生人 46. A. Especially B. Surprisingly C. Probably D. Normally 事情从此转机了,所以是surprising了。

47. A. nervous B. excited C. OK D. Dangerous 此情此景问一句“Are


you OK?是自然地

48. A. idea B. motivation C. excuse D. Situation 只有解释自己的种种境况了。

49. A. appointment B. apartment C. direction D. Station 和医生的预约

50. A. afraid B.grateful C. certain D. Disappointed 终于遇到好人了,当然只有感激了

51. A. Thus B.Then C. Perhaps D. Surely 连接词

52. A. staring B. laughing C. waving D. Shouting C是正确的,see就是暗示

53. A. lift B. suggestion C. bike D. Guidebook 搭便车

54. A. results B. news C. kindness D. Appearance 又是询问,又是开车相送,那是相当的善意了。55. A. power B. faith C. touch D. Support


I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist proposed that the 31 society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the consumer society, I 32 hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood. 33 the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was selling me the bicycle, he said, “This is the best thing you 34 have done. Life has become hopelessly 35 . A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you 36 things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise.” I agreed. Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I 37 at the other end of the town. I was 38 that this simple vehicle could let me 39 long distances in a fairly short time. But how 40 did I really go? Since I hated to be 41 , I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to 42 an odometer (里程表) on my bicycle. He agreed, but 43 , “An odometer without a speedometer (速度计) is like a 44 without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (装置) were 45 to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?” he then asked. “Look, this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many 46 .” Attracted by these functions, I bought the horn. “You can’t leave the back part 47 ,” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons 48 the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven when you feel 49 on your way? I can give you a special discount.” I was not strong enough to 50 the offer. “I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done,” said Mr. Johnson in the end. 31. A. adult B. human C. consumer D. bachelor 32. A. eventually B. immediately C. reluctantly D. gratefully 33. A. Although B. Because C. As D. Unless 34. A. would B. should C. must D. could 35. A. boring B. complicated C. stressful D. tough 36. A. natural B. mysterious C. complex D. unique 37. A. gave up B. broke down C. calmed down D. ended up 38. A. amazed B. amused C. confused D. concerned 39. A. march B. drive C. cover D. measure 40. A. far B. long C. fast D. deep 41. A. unreliable B. impractical C. unprepared D. inaccurate 42. A. fix B. check C. repair D. lay


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