Unit1单词、词组; 结果状语从句;too...to..,enough...to do句型

Important Sentences with Words and Phrases



1. What effects did his trips have on China and the world? 他的航行对中国和世界产生了什么样的影响? 【短语解析】

have an effect /effects on 对...造成影响 【搭配/例句】



Key: (1) The trees themselves also have an effect on the climate.

2. They were big enough to carry 25.000 people as well as very large quantities of good. 它们足够大,可以承载25.000人以及大量的货物。


A as well as B 和,不但....而且....; 重点强调A; 故 A as well as B 在句中作主语时,谓语与A决定。可与“and...as well...”或“not only...but also..”转换。 【例句】


He know English as well as French. =He know English and French as well.

=He knows not only English but also French.

对比: not only...but also....; both...and....; neither...nor... ; either...or....等词的用法。 【练习】


_______________________________________ Key; Flowers are chosen for their smell as well as their look.


large quantities of “大量的;非常多”;

对比:a large quantity of +n. (可数或不可数), 接不可数名词时谓语动词用单数,接可数名词复数时谓语动词用复数

large quantities of +n. (可数或不可数) , 谓语动词多要用复数(因为quantities本身用了复数) 【例句/搭配】

A large quantity of milk was reported not to reach the standard A largr quantity of students don't like English. Large quantities of water are wasted every year. 【词汇延伸】

a large amount of +n.(不可数n), 谓语动词用单数,而large amounts of 后面接不可数名词时谓语动词也要用

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A large amount of money ______been wasted Large amounts of money _______ been wasted.


1. —What do you like doing after class?

—I like not only reading painting.

A. and B. but also C. or D. For 2.. Neither his parents nor Peter ________ playing football . A. like B likes C liked D to like 3.吉姆和凯特都不喜欢玩电脑游戏。

_______ Jim_______ Kate _______ playing computer games. 4. 简不但为人好,而且人也漂亮。

Jane is beautiful _____ ______ ______ kind. 5. Jim和他的姐妹马上就来帮助我

Jim ______ ______ _______ his sisters _______ coming to help us. 6.-When shall we go to Hong Kong for holiday?

- I am not sure yet. _______ this Sunday ______ next Saturday is ok.

A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 7. Tom和我都是初三的学生。

Not only Tom but also _______ ______a student of Grade Three.

3.Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1405, he set off from China on the first of seven great________(a long journey in a ship or spacecraft ) voyages. 【单词解析1】 explorer n. 探险家 【词汇拓展】

探险 v.____________ n. ___________ 【单词解析2】

set off (for somewhere) 出发;动身; 引起;使爆炸;

set up 建立,创建 ; set out(to do sth) ; set down 制定;记下; set about (doing sth) 开始; 着手 【练习】

1. ---What’s wrong with her?

---A letter from her home ______ her feeling of homesickness. A. set about B. set out C. set off D. set up 2. They are going to _________ a hospital to help poor people.

A set up B set off C set down D write down Key: C; A

4.His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries. 【单词解析1】

划线部分 to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries.是动词不定式作_________; 【练习】


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_____________________________ 【单词解析2】

develop v. 发展; 开发 n. ______________; developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

5. Why did the emperor send Zhang Qian to explore and open routes to the outside world? 【单词解析】 send v. 送; 寄

send sb sth ==send sth to sb 【词汇拓展】 send for 派人请 send away 撵走,开除 send up 发射

6. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. 【词汇用法1】

seem (to be) + n./ adj/ done/ /to do / to be doing/ to have done/介词短语 【例句】

玛丽看上去是一个非常聪明的女孩。 ____________________________________ 史密斯先生好像很快乐。


自从上次跟你见面后,好像有好多年没有见到你了。 ____________________________________________ 【词汇拓展】

There seems (to be ) ...... 似乎有.....

It seems/ seemed as if.... 看起来像、仿佛.....” 【练习】


____________________________________ 【词汇用法2】

too....to... 太...而不能..... 的用法

Key: Mary seems (to be) a very clever girl. Mr Smith seemed to be quite happy. It seem like years since I last saw you. There seems (to be) no need to wait.

7. However, his voyages were such a huge achievement that people still remember him as a pioneer in opening up cultural contacts between different peoples around the world. 【单词拓展】

such+(a/an)+adj+ n +that +句子 so...that... 如此....以至于......

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