

I听力题 略

II.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

( ) 21. The girl is in danger. Let’s call the police to help______ . A. she B. her C. hers

( ) 22. Let’s go to the______ . The movie Captain America III (美国队长3) is on. A. cinema B. hotel C. bank

( ) 23. Shanghai Disney Resort(上海迪斯尼乐园)is______ . Quite a lot of children want to visit it.

A. noisy B. expensive C. exciting

( ) 24. Subway Line 2 in Taiyuan will be finished in 2018. People can take subways ______ . A. again B. soon C. yet

( ) 25. Go ______ Fenhe River, you will see some beautiful bridges. A. along B. into C. under

( ) 26.______ you want to buy fruit cheaply, you can get some from group buying (团购). A. If B. Before C. So

( ) 27. Shanxi Museum is ______ for people of all ages. You don’t need to pay. A. free B. large C. cheap

( ) 28. ______the guide in the mountain, please. Or you may getlost. A. Save B. Follow C. Stop

( ) 29.The mother told her child only to enjoy the red flowers, not to______ them. A. describe B. grow C. pick

( ) 30. People think______ about the TV show Running Man . Some like it, others don't. A. luckily B. differently C. quickly

( ) 31. During the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, as a sports lover, I will ______to watch some night games on TV.

A. stay up B. run away C. get dressed

( ) 32. ___Did you get anything for your father on Father’s Day? —Yes, I ____ . I got him a pair of sunglasses. A. do B. did C. was

( ) 33. ___The weather in Taiyuan gave people a ______ in May. —Right. It was hot at noon, then it got cold in the afternoon. A. vacation B. gift C. surprise

( ) 34. —Would you like to join me for a bike ride this weekend? —______ . I love riding. I can't wait!

A.Sorry, I can’t B. Sure, I’d love to C. Not at all ( ) 35. — Good morning._______ ?

—Yes, please. We’d like some orange juice.

A. Can I take a message B. May I take your order C. How can I help you

Ⅲ.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

Dear Miss Wu, I’m happy to be in my new school in Toronto. This is a 36 school in this big city. Many students wish to study here. 37 , I can be one of them. Every day when it is 38 outside in the evening, lots of students are still busy with their school work in the library. I was very tired on school days when I came here last year, 39 now it is natural for me. Please don't 40 about me too much because I can relax on weekends.

41 is our life on weekends? It’s quite different. Sometimes we visit the 42 to learn a lot about history or art. I think it’s a great way to open up 43 eyes in the museum. And we often do some outdoor activities. Last weekend, I camped with my new classmates in the forest. We 44 some tents and slept in them for one night. It was a lot of fun. After that activity, I started to fall in love with this school.

Time waits for no man. 45 a young man, what I should do is to make better use of my time and try to fill my mind with knowledge(知识). 36. A.terrible B.smart C.popular 37. A.Quickly B.Luckily C.Naturally 38. A.beautiful B.dark C.slow 39. A.so B.because C.but 40. A.worry B.move C.hear 41. A.When B.Where C.How 42. A.forest B.museum C.park 43. A.our B.your C.their 44. A.woke up B.cut up C.put up 45. A.About B.As C.With

IV. 阅读理解(一)(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下列材料,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。 (A)

Do you often eat out? Pizza Hut is a good place for you.

If you don’t have time to eat out, you can order your favorite food at Xinleyuan Restaurant. Here is an order from Anna.


( ) 46. People go to Pizza Hut to eat __________.

A. delicious pizza B.mapo tofu C. mutton noodles

( ) 47. You can call Pizza Hut at __________ to order food. A. 15110375645 B.1335264585 C. 1395264585 ( ) 48. Which is TRUE about Pizza Hut?

A. It’s on Jianshe Road. B. It has only two kinds of pizza. C. You can have pizza in the evening.

( ) 49. Anna paid __________ for gongbao chicken at Xinleyuan Restaurant. A. 35 yuan B.16 yuan C. 23 yuan

( ) 50. When did Anna order the food at Xinleyuan Restaurant? A. At 7:00 am. B.At 11:30 am. C. At 12:00 pm. (B)

When I was in primary school, I got to know a girl named Gina. She became my best friend very soon because she was kind and friendly.

Gina is as tall as me and always wears a smile on her face. When someone is in trouble(在困境中),she tries her best to give help. One day, my father gave me a new pen as a birthday gift. I liked it very much. I took it to school and showed it to Gina. But later my pen was lost. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I thought that Gina took it. I was angry(生气)with her and wouldn’t speak a word to her. The next day, she gave me a new pen and told me she didn’t take my pen. To my surprise, she didn’t even complain about that. She still thought me as her best friend. And she often helped me with my math. Everything about her showed ―love‖ to me.

Friends make life interesting and wonderful. If we don’t have friends, we’ll be cut off from .the world. Thank Gina for making my life better. ( ) 51. Why did Gina become the writer’s good friend? A. Because they were of the same height. B. Because she was kind and friendly.

C. Because she gave the writer a birthday gift.

( ) 52. What does Gina do when people are in trouble? A. She runs away.

B. She asks others for help. C. She helps them


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