英语人教版九年级全册Unit 9 SectionA (1a-2d)

Unit9 I like music that I can dance to

Section A (1a-2d)

Teaching Aims:


1)Master the key words and sentences:

a. Key words: prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, case, in that case, director , b. Sentences:

I prefer music that has great lyrics I love music that I can dance to I like music that I can sing along with I like music that isn’t too loud

2) Improve students’ listening and communicative 过程与方法: 1. Learn the new words through conversations. 2. Learn to talk about music with the structure

“Relative clauses with that and who’’ by listening the dialogues

3. Autonomous and cooperation approach

情感态度与价值观:1. Express one’ preferences to music

2. Remember musician happiness

bring us

Teaching Important points:

1. Master the key words and target


2. Be able to talk about someone’s favorite


3. Improve students’ listening and speaking


Teaching Difficult points :How to express preferences to

music using the relative clauses with that and who

Teaching Aids: A project a tape recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step1. T: As we know, people all like music, because music can

bring us happiness. Do you think so?


T: Ok, we’ll talk the topic about music today .First, we

look at the picture in 1a (teach the phrases : has great lyrics; sing along

with; can dance to)

Step2. Teach the new words in some real language conditions

and teach students how to express



attributive clause and explain the use of ‘’ prefer”.

1). Prefer : 更喜欢,宁愿. For example, I prefer village. 2). Prefer something. to something.比….更喜欢…., F or

example, I prefer tea to coffee

3). Prefer doing something to doing something.宁而不愿

做某事。For example, I prefer swimming to dancing.

4). Prefer to do rather than do. 与其….倒不如….For

example, He prefers to spend time at home rather than go shopping.

Then do some exercises to consolidate the uses of it

Step3. Finish1b and 1c

Then have students make conversations

Using the target language in oral. Now, can you tell me what kind of music do you like? S1:I like…….

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