Unit 2 Saying Thanks or Sorry.ppt.Convertor新编实用英语综合教程 电子教案 授课计划 教学设计


Read and Judge

7) Share your part of responsibility with the other party to make it fair. 8) Don't try to look for the other persons' faults in the problem.

9) Forgetting doesn't mean forgiveness. That is something that few people can truly do.

10) Forgiveness means giving up the right to hurt back or hold it over others. 11) Only when words are given with action could they be meaningful. 12) Once trust is broken between people, it could never get repaired.




Read and Translate

7 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) Too often we just say the words “thank you” when we are given help, and expect that to be good enough. It's not.

2) There are some necessary steps to take for a heartfelt appreciation to be shown.

3) To say “thank you” without a heartfelt smile may sound quite empty and hurt those who have helped you.




Read and Translate

4) The injured party may suffer from personal, financial or other damages. 5) What is the difference in meaning between the two words admit and acknowledge?

6) Their company has to accept complete responsibility as well as the consequences of the accident.

受伤害的一方可能蒙受人身、经济或其他方面的损害。 admit 和 acknowledge 这两个词的意义有什么差别?


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