


Activity 1

Activity 2

gain access

commit this crime looking at property an uncut garden

800 crimes / eight hundred crimes white female

Activity 3 536241 Activity 4 Bdbbd

Listening in Passage 1 1.Listen to Passage 1 and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column.

Fdebca 2.

Passage 2 1.

Anna Black

over a week ago / just over a week ago about seven / seven / 7 male

mobile phone two men / 2 men

five minutes / 5 minutes

2. Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences Baabd

Unit 4

Outside view

Activity 1 5163472 Activity 2

do you mind

journalism, photography for two hours / for 2 hours getting these invitations on the screen

Activity 3 2.5

Activity 4 Bedac

Listening in Passage 1(首字母小写)

18 / eighteen 10 / ten 11 / eleven Telephone Girlfriend

Chips Chips 10 / ten Cooker Kitchen

3. Listen to Passage 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences Daabc Passage 2 1Listen to Passage 2 and check the correct answers in the table

Passage 2

just as many how they behave

a gardening programme / a gardening program do very well to say to that

unit 5 outside view

Activity 1 6517324 Activity 2

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