
Unit 7 Topic 2

I 重点短语及表达

Section A

At kangkang’s birthday 在康康的生日上 play the guitar 弹吉他 sing Chinese songs 唱中文歌what else 别的什么dance to disco跳迪斯科 perform ballet表演芭蕾 be sure 确信,肯定 have a good time玩的开心 take photos照相 read English books读英语书 make model planes制作模型飞机 speak Japanese 说日语 Section B

Sing an English song唱一首英文歌 happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐 you are so smart 你太聪明了 take these flowers to the party把这些话带到晚会上 count…for… 为…数…count many flowers数许多花 do it very well 做的非常好do it a little well做的有一点好 ride a bike 骑自行车drive a car驾驶轿车 Section C

Fly a kite=fly kites放风筝 play ping-pong打乒乓球 go fishing 去钓鱼 outdoor activities 户外活动 one year ago 一年前 like playing ball games喜欢玩球类游戏 in the past在过去 last year去年 this year今年 Section D

At the age of 在…岁时 write a few words 写几个单词 not… any more不再 life was very hard for her她的生活非常艰难 with her mother’s help在她妈妈的帮助下 want to be a good writer想成为一名伟大的作家

II 语言点

Section A

1. what would you like to do at Kangkang’s birthday party? 在Kangkang的生日聚会上你想做


What would you like to do?=What do you want to do? would like 想, 要

would like sth. 想要某物 a)I would like a MP3. would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想要做某事

b) She would like to go home to visit her mother.=She wants to go home to visit her mother. would like sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事

c)He would like his father to buy him a birthday present.

2. would like在日常生活中常用于以下几种语气委婉、客气的问句中。

Would you like something?你想要……?这个句式用于客气地征求对方的意见。其肯定回答一般是:Yes ,please.否定回答一般用:No, thanks.表示婉言谢绝。例如:

--Would you like some dumplings, Danny? 丹尼,你想要吃饺子吗? --Yes , please.好的。 --Would you like a cup of tea? 你要喝杯茶吗?-No, thanks.不,谢谢。 ②What would you like?你想要什么?这一委婉问句相当于“Whatdo you want?”其回答是:I'd like…例如:

-What would you like for lunch, Li Ming? 李明,午饭你想吃什么?

-I'd like a bowl of rice and some vegetables.我想吃一碗米饭和一些蔬菜。

③Would you like to do...?你愿意做……?这个句式用来客气地向对方提出建议或邀请。其

肯定回答是:Yes } I'd like / love to.否定回答是:Sorry, I…例如:

-Would you like to sing a song for us? 你给我们大家唱首歌好吗? -Yes , I'd like to.不胜荣幸。

-Would you like to go shopping with as this afternoon?你愿意今天下午和我们一起去购物吗? -Sorry , I can't.对不起,我不能。 3. play the guitar 弹吉他

play + the +琴棋 play the guitar/violin/piano play + 球类运动 play soccer / basketball 4. I can only sing English songs. can 在本句中表示能力。如:

-- Can you swim? -- No,I can’t.

5. Oh, do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? 哦,你想唱中文歌还是英文歌? 该句为选择疑问句,是说话者对问题提出两个或两个以上的选项,让对方作答。


如:— What can you do at the party, sing a song, play the guitar or dance? 在聚会上你会表演什么,唱歌,弹吉他还是跳舞?

— I can play the guitar.我会弹吉他。

6. I’m sure we’ll have a good time at the party.我相信我们会在聚会上玩得开心 主语(人)+be sure+(that)宾语从句 确信/肯定…… a) He is sure he can do it well他确信他能把这件事做好 be sure to do sth.一定要/务必要做某事 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun 7.No way!没门儿!

No way意思是 “不可能,不行,没门儿”。多用于口语中,断然拒绝某事。如: -- Can I leave now? 我现在可以离开吗? -- No way! 不行! 8. take photos/pictures (of sb.) (给某人)照相 take a photo/picture (of sb.) (给某人)照相 Section B

1.Welcome! Welcome! 欢迎,欢迎! Welcome back / here! 欢迎回来/到这儿来。 Welcome (back) home! 欢迎回家!

Welcome to Beijing /China /our school.欢迎光临北京/来到中国/光临我校。

Thank you ! (谢谢) You are welcome!(别客气) 此句常作对谢谢的答语, 意为不客气, 不用谢。 2. speak 动词, 说话

作不及物动词, 指说话的能力和方式, Don’t speak. 作及物动词时, 宾语多是表示语言的词。 speak English/Chinese/Japanese

speak to 同……交谈 a) She is speaking to her teacher. 3. What else can you do?

else 形容词, 其他的, 常放在疑问代词和不定代词的后面。 Who else can you see?

something else /nothing else.

与other的区别: other 放在名词的前面。

What else can you do?=What other things can you do?

4. I’d like to take these flowers to the party.我想把这些花带到聚会上去 take带到,

take sth to somewhere. 把某物带(去)到某处 Please take the book to the class. I’ll take some apples home.

bring 带来,拿来 与take 的方向相反

Take away the empty bottle, and bring me a full one. 把这个空瓶子拿走, 给我拿个满的来。 Section C

1. Kangkang is good at playing soccer, while Michael does well in basketball. 1) be good at 相当于do well in, 意为 “擅长于…,在…方面做得好”,后面常接名词、 代词或动名词。

He is good at English, and also does well in math. 2) while 在此是连词,意为“而”,表示对比关系。“而,但”

He is good at biology while I’m good at Chinese.

2. But one year ago, she couldn’t do it at all.但是在一年前,她根本不会。

Could是can的过去时,表示过去的能力,其否定式为couldn’t。 段时间+ago表示“多久前”,用于过去时态中,相当于before。

3. When she was five, she could dance just a little.但是当她五岁时,她仅会跳一点儿舞。


He could swim when he was very young.他年龄很小就会游泳了。 4. They both like playing ball games.他们两个都喜欢球类运动。

1)Both“两者都”,作they的同位语,它放在实义动词前,be动词和情态动词后。如: We are both students.我们俩都是学生。 2)Both表示“两者都”;三者或者三者以上用all。如: My parents are all teachers。我父母都是老师。

My friends all went to the park yesterday.我的朋友们昨天都去了公园。 3)Both of+复数代词 both (of the)+复数名词 如: Both (of the) boys are very good.两个男孩都很优秀。 Both of them come from China.他们两个都来自中国。 5. Have a good time.

have a good time 意为“玩得开心”。这是一个固定短语,类似的表达还有:have a nice time/great/wonderful time. Section D

1.When she was three, she could play the piano a little. 当她三岁的时候, 她会弹钢琴了。

when, 当什么时候, 在这引导一个时间状语从句.类似的词语有: while, 当什么时候:My father fall asleep while I was watching TV. before, 在…以前: I could swim before I was five.

after, 在…以后: I went to bed after I finish my homework. as soon as, 一…就: I’ll tell you as soon as he comes back. until, 到…(的时候)为止: I stayed there until he came back. not …until, 直到…才: I didn’t go to bed until my came home.

2. She could draw very well at the age of five… 她五岁的时候, 画画就能画得很好。

句中at the age of five 也可以表达为when she was five (years old)

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