
sed to store more images than the camera memory allows.Digital cameras are u__83__ tools for teenagers as their photos can be e mailed to their parents or friends in the distance whenever they like. E-book Reader An E- book reader,also called an e-reader or e-book,allows the user to download a number of digital books into it.E-book readers,such as the Kindle or eReader,Can be used to download study guides for l__84__ purposes,or to download the latest novels that are purely for reading pleasure.It is small enough to put into pockets,so that teens can take it to school or to keep t__85__having things to do on long journeys. MP3 Player Music plays an important role in the lives of teenagers e__86__around the world.An MP3 player will be a perfect gift for these music fans. A__87__we may not know which bands are their favorites at the moment,an MP3 player will give them the freedom to download whatever music they like.

D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

Lauren Singer has produced almost no waste in the past two years,providing that a rubbish-free lifestyle possible.

Lauren studied environmental science at NYU(New York University),and it was during her student years that she began working towards \\ay she has learned to make all of her own everyday eco-friendly products,such as toothpaste,shampoo kitchen cleaner and so on.

She also set up her own company \Simply Co\rough which she

sells her home made products.

Lauren regularly writes about her experiences of a zero waste life on her blog.Lauren admits that the past two years haven't been easy. \ stopped buying packaged products and began bringing my own bags and

jars to fill with products at the supermarket,\explained.

\stopped buying new clothes and shopped for only second hand

things.I said no to things like straws in my drinks at bars,to plastic or paper bags at stores.\

Even though the journey has been hard,Lauren's zero waste life has

been well worth the effort.Lauren says that she now saves a lot of money because she is prepared when she goes shopping,and does not buy things that she won't use at all.She also eats healthy food because she buys fresh organic fruits and vegetables instead of packaged foods.

The 23-year-old girl has become a role model to many.She's giving

talks in schools and colleges,and also having more and more interviews

about her zero waste lifestyle on TV and the radio worldwide.

88.Laurie has lived a rubbish free life for two years so far, hasn't she?(1分)

. 89.When did Lauren begin working towards a “zero-waste” goal?(2分)

. 90.What kind of things has Lauren learned to make by herself?(2分)

. 91.How was Lauren's zero waste life in the past two years?(2分)

. 92.What did Lauren do in order to reach a \waste\goal?(List at least two things) (2分) . 93.What do you think makes Lauren decide to live a life like that?And

why does her success cause so much attention? (3分)

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