
《全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第1册》 Unit 5 Homes



The four families in these photos live in Seoul, Korea, in the same building. The apartments are similar, but each family’s home is a little different.

1. The family in apartment one has a sofa in the living room. There’s a lamp next to the sofa.

Across from it is a TV. This family loves to travel, and there are photos of their trips together near the TV.

2. In apartment two, there is a TV on a small cabinet. Near the TV, there are three trophies. The father is on a bowling team, and these are his. His children play sports, too.

3. Apartment three is very different from the others. There’s no rug on the floor and there are

blinds—not curtains—on the glass door.

4. The family in apartment four is sitting on the sofa. The glass door is open. Their apartment is

on a top floor in the building. There’s a nice view and you can see a lot of Seoul from the balcony.

1. a little different 有些不同 2. next to 在……旁边;紧邻

3. The father is on a bowling team … 这家的父亲是保龄球队的成员 4. blinds 百叶窗

5. from the balcony 从阳台上



A: Where do you live?

B: I live in an apartment in Gangnam, a neighborhood in Seoul. A: What’s it like?


B: It has a large living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. A: Sounds like a nice place.

B: Yeah, it is, but it’s a long way from my school.

LESSON B Living Small Listening 1


Living Small

Today, 50 percent of the people on Earth live in cities. By 2030, it will be 60 percent. With more people in cities, there is less space, and housing costs more. What can we do? Here’s an idea. Container Housing

The city of Amsterdam is using old shipping containers as housing for students and other people. The containers are small—30 square meters (three hundred twenty square feet)—but they are comfortable. There is space for a living area, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. These houses are also inexpensive: only a few thousand dollars to buy. Today, the containers are used around the world as homes and student dormitories, as well as shops, offices, and hotels.

Tiny Houses In the U.S., Jay Shafer makes tiny houses for people. The smallest is only 9 square meters (98 square feet). The houses are small, but they have everything you need. On the first floor, there is a kitchen, a living area, and a bathroom. On the second floor is a bedroom. It is big enough for two people. The houses are also inexpensive. Most are $15,000.

1. Container Housing 集装箱房屋 2. Tiny Houses 微型房屋

Listening 2


M1: I go to school in Amsterdam and I need some place to live. Container homes are comfortable

and inexpensive. They’re perfect for students.

F1: I don’t know ... I know container apartments are a good idea, but I think they’re ugly. They look like big boxes.

M2: A tiny house is perfect for one or two people, but I have a family of four. They’re just too


F2: Tiny houses are inexpensive to make and buy so you save money. Also, they’re small so you use less water and energy. They’re good for people and the Earth.

1. some place to live 一个住的地方 2. a family of four 一家四口人


3. save money 省钱



1) Laura is one of the top students in Grade One. 2) Ted likes to sing English pop songs. 3) Listening is not a big problem for me. 4) Frank can speak six languages fluently.

5) I’d like to read novels and short stories in English.

6) Bob’s strong local accent makes it difficult for us to understand him.

1. one of the top students 优秀学生之一 2. local accent 当地口音



This is the Cohen’s home. It’s a three-bedroom house in a suburb in the United States. It’s a nice area, but there is a problem with this house: it uses a lot of energy.

But this isn’t surprising. Houses and buildings use forty percent of all the energy in the United States. And many homes waste a lot of energy.

Amory Lovins teaches people to save energy in their homes.

Today, he is visiting the Cohen’s house. Lovins walks around the house, and he finds different problems. There’s a problem with the heater in one room, and the freezer in the kitchen. Lovins:

“Oh, what have we here...?” Narrator:

We don’t have to use a lot of electricity in our homes, says Lovins. There are simple ways to save energy.

It’s surprising; homes waste a lot of energy, even while you sleep.

To save energy in your home, unplug electronics when you’re not using them. Lovins:

“Do you see that little red light down in the corner?” Narrator:

Now, the TV is off, but it’s still using energy because it’s plugged in. The Cohens pay sixty dollars every year for this extra energy. The Cohen family has lots of electronics. They’re all plugged in. So they’re always using energy.

Lovins lives in Aspen, Colorado, in the mountains. His house is very eco-friendly. All of the home’s electricity comes from solar panels.


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