
Unit5 Let’s celebrate 课题 Welcome to the Unit and Comic Strip 1. 知识目标:1. New Words: celebrate guess dress as Christmas festival…. 2. Useful expressions: have a guess dress up on that day get 教学目标 together enjoy the moon… 2. 能力目标:To learn how to celebrate the festivals in different countries.. 3. 情感目标:To train the Ss’ love to talk about the festivals. 教 学 重、难点 教、学具 预习要求 1. To grasp the new words 2. To learn how to celebrate the festivals in different countries.. A tape recorder a computer Preview the new words. 教师活动内容、方式 Step1. Lead-in 1. Free talk A:.Which festival do you know in the world? B:Drogon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christas ,Halloween, Thanksgiving Day… Step2. Presentation 1. Show Ss some pictures of festivals in the world. 学生活动内容、方式 T:ask S:answer Say one by one 旁注 课时 1 授课日期 通过这样一个情境的设置,可以激发学生的学习动机,更好地a. teach the names and let Ss say Sth. about the Work in pairs. festivals. . b. How do we celebrate them? Step3. Practice 1. T give Ss a model the let Ss practice as a model Model: Group Ss into six 参与到groups let every group 课堂中来。 At Spring festival ,we can get together to have a big say a festival dinner and the children get some red pocket money. 2,Talk about the festivals y Model: A: What is your favourite festival? B: A:.Why do you like ? B: A:What do you usually do on that day? 1.

教师活动内容、方式 B: Step4 . Presentation Work in pairs. Think of the question. 培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 学生活动内容、方式 旁注 1,Show the dialogue of Part B and show some new words :present ,together 2,Let Ss read it 3,Let Ss use other words instead of the red words Step5 presentation Boys say Tommy Girls say Millie. 教师要多做个别导。 当堂巩固,检测课堂效果。 指 Eddie and Hobo are very busy . beacuseHalloween is Work in groups. coming How do they celebrate it 1,Listen and answer 2,Practise and act 3,Complete the story with the words Step6. Consolidation Do some exercises Step7. Home work 1. Memorize the new words and expressions 2. Finish off the exercises (同步导学) 教后记 Listen and repeat Act out Do the exercises.

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