


I'm job hunting now. 我正在找工作。

We received your resume and hope to have an interview with you. 我们收到了你的简历,希望与你面谈。

Could you come over for an interview the day after tomorrow? 你后天能来参加面试吗?

Would you like to come for an interview? 你愿意来参加面试吗? I'd love to. 我非常乐意。

Is it convenient for you to come between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. next Monday? 你方便下周一下午2点到5点之间过来吗?

What should I bring with me? 我需要带什么东西吗? Is there anything I should bring? 我需要带什么东西吗?

Only a detailed resume is enough. 只要一份详细的履历就够了。

You'd better bring a copy of your graduation certificate. 你最好带上一份毕业证书的复印件。

You need to bring a copy of your ID card and graduation certificate as well as one detailed resume. 你需要带身份证和毕业证书的复印件各一份以及一份详细的履历。 Don't be late for your interview. 面试不要迟到。

Thank you very much for the information. 非常感谢您的通知。 See you then. 到时候见。 面试前准备常用的句子:

I have a job interview next Monday. 我下周一有个工作面试。 Could you give me some suggestion? 你能给我些建议吗?

How do I make a good impression on the interviewers? 我该如何给面试官一个好印象呢?

What should I wear for my job interview? 我该穿什么去参加工作面试? You should be modestly dressed. 你应该衣着得体。

This outfit is too casual for the job interview. 穿这套衣服去参加工作面试太随便了。 Should I wear a tie? 我应该系条领带吗? Do I have to wear makeup? 我要化妆吗? Don't be late. 不要迟到。

Don't be late for your interview. 面试不要迟到。

You'd better arrive there fifteen minutes earlier. 你最好提前15分钟到那儿。 Don't criticize your past employer. 不要批评你以前的雇主。 Don't speak ill of ex-supervistor. 不要说你以前主管的坏话。 谈教育背景常用的句子:

You just graduated, yes? 你刚毕业,是吗?

I see you just graduated from college. 我看得出你刚刚从大学毕业。

Tell me something about your educational background. 告诉我你的教育背景。 What's your educational background? 你的教育背景是是什么? What college do you attend? 你毕业于什么大学? What college are you attending? 你是什么大学毕业的?

Would you tell me which university did you graduate from? 你可以告诉我你是从哪所


What university did you graduate from? 你从哪所大学毕业的? When did you graduate? 你何时毕业的?

When did you graduate from there? 你什么时候从那毕业的? When will you graduate from that university? 你什么时候大学毕业? Have you ever studies abroad? 你出国留学过吗? Which grage are you in? 你读几年级?

I graduated from Beijing University. 我从北京大学毕业的。

I am a graduate of Shanghai Polytechnics. 我是上海理工大学的毕业生。

I'm a graduate student in the English Department in Beijing University. 学英语系的毕业生。

I went to Meiji University. 我毕业于明智大学. I've just graduated from school. 我刚刚从学校毕业。 I graduated last year. 我去年毕业的。

I graduated from the university in 2000. 我毕业于2000年。 I am a freshman. 我读大学一年级。 I am a sophomore. 我读大学二年级。 I am a junior. 我读大学三年级。 I am a senior. 我读大学四年级。

I'm a junior college student. 我是一名大学三年级学生。 Why did you choose Beijing University? 你为什么选择北京大学? Why did you select your college or university? 你为什么选择这所大学?


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