论我国消费信贷发展中的问题及对策 学位论文

*** 大 学

本 科 毕 业 论 文(设计)

题 目 论我国消费信贷发展中的问题及对策 姓 名 学 号

专业年级 指导教师 职 称

2012年 03月30 日


摘 要


【关键字】消费信贷 发展 问题 风险 对策

The thesis about Problems and Strategies of consumption

credit in our country


With constant changing of consuming conceptions in our country , consumer credit is in the high speed development . It becomes one of the most promising business in Chinese Commercial Banks. This paper summaries and surveys the newest research findings of scholars in consumer credit, finding that the development of consumer credit doesn't seem very hopeful and many obstacles do exist. At the same time,

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