2020届高三《新题速递·英语》3月第01期 (考点03完形填空)



Communication with a Stranger

Last weekend I sat on the bus talking with excitement and so ready to spend time in New York City with one of my best friends from college. As I took the window seat and 1 headphones over ears, I almost didn't notice the elderly man sitting beside me.

Two hours passed and I was still absorbed in my own world. 2 the elderly man asked me a question, a simple question 3 the bus's Wi-Fi connection, which turned into a two- hour 4 . In fact, it directly 5 my personal life.

We talked a lot about my dreams, my fears and my life. I 6 more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months. Maybe it had something to do with me just being 7 to let anyone I know close to me. I was 8 that the stranger was not only so deeply interested in getting to know me, but also just as willing to 9 me to my greatest abilities. He listened carefully to every word I said and made some useful 10 at times. Instead of politely 11 his head when I mentioned my major, he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology, but not the one I was studying. He said that he knew I would face difficulties if I studied psychology and that he fully understood my 12 for the failure.

This elderly man made me 13 the plans that I had laid out for my life with just that simple statement. He helped me realize that my neatly 14 plan for the next five years of my life wasn't all that neat, but actually complex and filled with 15 . Most of all, he helped me 16 the complex, not stay away from it because of my fear for the unknown. I 17 a lot from talking with the elderly stranger.

A few days later, he emailed me, saying, \ 18 for great things no matter what you decide to do.\ 19 . In a few hours a stranger showed me a sense of kindness that made me realize that life is sometimes 20 but it is going to be okay. 1. A. placed 2. A. Then 3. A. through 4. A. introduction 5. A. affected 6. A. searched 7. A. sorry

B. wore B. Instead B. with B. explanation B. controlled B. shared B. curious

C. took C. Again C. during C. conversation C. interrupted C. demanded C. anxious

D. raised D. Also D. about D. competition D. created D. reviewed D. afraid

8. A. puzzled 9 A. push 10. A. choices 11. A. raising 12. A. regret 13. A. prepare 14. A. replaced 15. A. uncertainty 16. A. identify 17. A. suffered 18. A. leaving

B. bothered B. invite B. suggestions B. dropping B. change B. develop B. organized B. danger B. ignore B. increased B. heading

C. amazed C. treat C. decisions C. turning C. fear C. approve C. discussed C. responsibility C. seize C. benefited C. watching C. admiration C. painful

D. disappointed D. admit D. efforts D. nodding D. desire D. question D. predicted D. conflict D. accept D. experienced D. caring D. description D. serious

19. A. encouragement B. protection 20. A. stable

B. normal


1.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为我坐在靠窗的座位上,耳朵上戴着耳机,几乎没有注意到坐在我旁边的老人。A. placed放置;B. wore戴着;C. took拿;D. raised举起。下文说作者压根没注意到老人坐在身边,由此可知作者头戴耳机。故选B。

2.A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,老人问了我一个问题,一个关于巴士的Wi-Fi连接的简单问题,然后A. Then然后;B. Instead代替;C. Again再一次;D. Also也。就变成了两个小时的谈话。根据Two hours passed and I was still absorbed in my own world. 可知这里意思是两 个小时过去了,然后老人问我问题。故选A。 3.D 考查介词词义辨析。句意:然后,老人问了我一个问题,一个关于巴士的Wi-Fi连接的简单问题,然后就变成了两个小时的谈话。A. through穿过;B. with和……在一起;C. during在…...的期间;D. about关于。表示关于……的问题,用about。故选D。

4.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,老人问了我一个问题,一个关于巴士的Wi-Fi连接的简单问题,然后就变成了两个小时的谈话。A. introduction介绍;B. explanation解释;C. conversation谈话;D. competition竞争。根据下文 We talked a lot about my dreams, my fears and my life. 可知老人的一个问题变成了我们之间两个小时的谈话。故选C。

5.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,它直接影响了我的个人生活。A. affected影响;B. controlled控制;C. interrupted打断;D. created创造。根据下文内容I ___17___ a lot from talking with the elderly stranger.可知


6B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几个月来,我和这个陌生人在车上分享的东西比我和任何朋友或家人分享的都多。A. searched搜寻; B. shared分享;C. demanded要求;D. reviewed复习。 在谈话里,我和老人分享了关于我的很多事情,故选B。

7.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:也许是因为我害怕让我认识的人接近我。A. sorry抱歉的;B. curious好奇的;C. anxious渴望的;D. afraid害怕的。根据上文more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months. 可知,作者因为害怕自己熟悉的人了解自己而不愿意与他们交流太多,。故选D。

8.C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,这个陌生人不仅对了解我有如此浓厚的兴趣,而且还愿意敦促我发挥我最大的能力。A. puzzled困惑的;B. bothered烦恼的;C. amazed惊讶的;D. disappointed失望的。根据下文that the stranger was not only so deeply interested in getting to know me, but also just as willing to push me to my greatest abilities.可知,作者这位陌生人不仅要了解我,且愿意帮助我,这让作者很惊奇。所以是amazed“惊讶的”。故选C。

9.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,这个陌生人不仅对了解我有如此浓厚的兴趣,而且还愿意敦促我发挥我最大的能力。A. push敦促;B. invite邀请;C. treat对待;D. admit承认。根据He listened carefully to every word I said and made some useful ___10___ at times.可知这位老人在敦促我达到我最大的能力。push 在这里是“驱策,敦促”的意思。故选A。

10.B 考查名词词义辨析。A. choices选择;句意:他认真地听我说的每一个字,有时还提出一些有用的建议。B. suggestions建议;C. decisions决定;D. efforts努力。根据he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology, but not the one I was studying.可知老人仔细听我讲话,时不时给我提出一些建议。故选B。 11.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我提到我的专业时,他没有礼貌地点头,而是告诉我,我最喜欢的似乎是心理学,而不是我正在学习的专业。A. raising举起;B. dropping落下;C. turning转向;D. nodding点头。根据he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology, but not the one I was studying.可知老人并没有礼貌地点头。故选D。

12.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说,他知道如果我学习心理学,我会遇到困难,他完全理解我对失败的恐惧。A. regret后悔;B. change改变;C. fear恐惧;D. desire欲望。根据下文not stay away from it because of my fear for the unknown.可知作者对未知和失败是恐惧的。故选C。

13.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位老人用这句简单的话让我对自己的人生规划产生了怀疑。A. prepare准备;B. develop发展;C. approve赞成;D. question怀疑。根据He helped me realize that my neatly ___14___ plan for the next five years of my life wasn't all that neat, but actually complex and filled with ___15___.可知老人

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