河北省中考英语复习 阶段测试卷(一)七年级 冀教版


(考试时间:90分钟 分值:90分) 题号 得分 I II III IV V VI I.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(C) 1.—Does your father go to work by ______ car every day? —No, he sometimes takes ______ bus.

A. A; the B. the; a C. /; a D. a; / (C)2.Turn down the music. It hurts my ______.

A. nose B. eyes C. ears D. mouth (D)3. —Is this ______ iPhone 6? It’s so cool. —No, it isn’t. It is ______.

A. Tina; his B. Tina’s; him C. Tina; him D. Tina’s; his (B)4. I paid ¥10 for _________this morning.

A. 4 bottle milks B. 4 bottles of milk C. 4 bottles of milks D. 4 milk (D)5. Boys and girls, please turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture. A. Fifth; five B. Five; five C. Fifth; fifth D. Five; fifth (B)6. —When is Lang Lang's concert?

—It's _____ three o'clock _____ the afternoon of December 18th.

A. at;in B. at; on C. on; in D. in; on (A)7. —Is he tall _____ short? —He is short.

A. or B. and C. but D. so (D)8. — does Bob usually go to work? — He usually rides his bike.

A. What R. Who C. Where D. How (A)9. The bell often at seven o’clock in the morning. A. rings B. rang C. will ring D. is ringing

(C)10. She will her job to look after her sick mother. A. get up B. wake up C. give up D. stand up

(D)11. —Cathy, can you answer the door? I ______ the room. —I'm coming, mum.

A. clean B. cleaned C. have cleaned D. am cleaning (D)12. Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice. A. feels B. sounds C. tastes D. looks (B)13. Let’s _____ for a walk, shall we? A. to go B. go C. going D. went

(B)14. Look! This is our class photos. There _____ 40 students in my class. A. has B. have C. is D. are (C)15. _____ fine weather we have today! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a II. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


In America, the school day usually starts at 9 am and finishes at about 4 pm. The school subjects 16 different from ours. In China, we always 17 Chinese, math, English, P. E. and so on. But in America, students have more 18 , such as cooking and driving lessons. Their school life isn’t just 19 study.


They have 20 things to do than the Chinese students do. There are many clubs in American schools, too. If the students are 21 in sports, they can join different sports clubs. American students also have art clubs, language clubs and some 22 clubs. From 2:30 pm to 4 pm, they do 23 things in different clubs.

Maybe you think English is very popular in the world, so American students don’t need to learn any other language. 24 that’s not true. American children from the age of seven 25 learn a foreign language. For example, they learn French or Chinese.

(B)16. A. is B. are C. Were D. was (A)17. A. have B. think C. had D. thought (C)18. A. clubs B. sports C. lessons D. subject (A)19. A. about B. over C. down D. on (B)20. A. much B. more C. many D. most

(B)21. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests (A)22. A. other B. another C. others D. neither (C)23. A. impossible B. dangerous C. different D. same (C)24. A. Because B. So C. But D. Or

(A)25. A. have to B. don’t have to C. had to D. must III. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A

Dear Jane, Thank you for your e-card (电子贺卡). I like it very much. I live in a town (镇) in Canada with my family. In front of my house, you can see a garden. Some beautiful flowers are in the garden. I like them. I also feed some chickens in the garden. I enjoy taking photos. I hope to travel around the world someday. Say hello to your parents and your sister. Yours, Dan

Dear Dan, I’m in Beijing for summer holiday. I went to Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum and the Bird’s Nest yesterday. Do you know the Bird’s Nest? It was famous for the 2008 Olympics. Now I am on my way to the Great Wall and I am writing the e-mail on my mobile phone (手机) on the bus. My friend Li Hua is waiting for me at Badaling Bus Station. I will take some photos and show you. Yours, Jane ( A )26. Dan comes from ______.

A. B. C. D. ( B)27. Dan feeds some ______ in his garden.

A. cows B. chickens C. pigs D. ducks ( A )28. Dan enjoys ______.

A. taking photos B. staying at home C. travelling D. drawing flowers (D )29. Where will Jane go?


A. To Tian’anmen Square. B. To the Palace Museum. C. To the Bird’s Nest. D. To the Great Wall. ( D)30. Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)?

A. A garden is behind Dan’s house. B. Jane sent Dan a mobile phone. C. Dan will go to the Great Wall. D. Jane is in China now. B

The long trunk of an elephant is a wonderful example of skill. The neck of four-footed animals is usually long, to have them reach their food without difficulty, but the elephant has a short neck, to make him more easily support the weight of his huge head and heavy teeth. His long trunk lets him get his food easily.

The trunk of an elephant is to him what the neck is to other animals. It is also a nose to him, for at the end of it there is a empty place like a cup, and in the bottom of the cup are two holes, and the animal smells and breathes through them. It is an arm and a hand too, so that it has been said that the elephant carries his nose in his hand, and it might also have been said that he breathes by his hand. At the end of the trunk, there is a strange part, about five inches long, which forms a finger. With this finger the animal can pick up the smallest piece of money from the ground, and he has been taught to make marks like letters with a pen.

The trunk of a full-grown elephant is about eight feet long. The elephant has such great strength that he can knock down a man with it.

(D) 31. The elephant has a short neck to support ______.

A. his leg B. his body C. his arm D. his head and teeth (C) 32. The trunk of the elephant helps him get his ______ easily. A. side B. tail C. food D. ear

(D) 33. The trunk of the elephant takes the place of the following except ______. A. a neck B. a nose and a finger C. an arm and a hand D. a leg

(B) 34. The elephant can knock down a man with his trunk. This shows that he is ______. A. weak B. strong C. quiet D. angry (B) 35. The trunk of a full-grown elephant is about _______ feet long. A. seven B. eight C. nine D. ten C

Around the world, summer vacation means long days, sunshine, swimming, sleeping in and, most importantly, no school.

Hundreds of years ago, students took the summer off to help their parents in the fields. Today, summers are full of fun ? no work. A summer vacation means so many opportunities for kids: summer camps, sports, hobbies or catching up on studies.

If you’re lucky, during the weeks away from school, you can volunteer, travel or go to a camp. It’s time to do a part-time job to learn a new skill. You may hang out with friends all day. Some kids just kick off their shoes and jump into rivers and swimming pools.

If you’re not so lucky, summer vacation may mean summer school ? a long, hot summer inside the classroom.

Whatever your plans, make this summer a good one. Take on a project Learn something! Help someone! Make this summer one to remember.

(D)36. What does summer vacation mean all over the world? A. Long days. B. Activities. C. No school. D. All above.

(B)37. What did students do in their summer vacation hundreds of years ago? A. They studied in extra class. B. They worked in the fields. C. They volunteered. D. They went abroad.

(A)38. Do students need to go to the classroom in summer vacation?


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