人教版七年级下册英语试卷Unit. 3 How do you go to school


Unit. 3 How do you go to school? 一.短语荟萃

1.take the subway ,by subway 坐地铁 2. .take the. bus, by bus, on the bus 乘坐公交车

3 take the train ,by train 乘坐火车 4. ride a bike,by bike ,on one’s bike 骑自行车

5.take a boat ,by boar乘船 6. walk to school, go to school on foot 步行到校

7.drive one’s car to work, 开车上班 go to work by car, go to work in one’s car.做小汽车上班

8.It takes sb. some time to do sth.花了某人一些时间干某事 9.every day每天 10. What…think of=How ….like 认为怎么样 20.go on a ropeway 坐索道出行

11.It’s +adj +for sb to do sth. 对某人而言干某事怎么样12.between… and….在….之间

13.for many students对许多学生而言 14.be like a father to me 像一位父亲对我

15.like this 像这样 16. cross the river to school穿过河流上学

17.There is no bridge=There is not a bridge ,no = not a /an / any 20come true 实现

18.many of 其中许多 19 It’s one’s dream to do sth.干某事是某人梦想 二.语法聚焦

1. ______________________________________? I ride my bike to school.

2.__________________________________________? She usually takes the bus home.

3.A:_________________________________________________? B: It takes Rita about 15 minutes to get to school.

3.A: ________________________________________? B: No, she doesn’t. She goes to work by bike.

4.A; __________________________________________________? B:It’s about two kilometers from here.

5. A: ________________________________________________? B: She lives about five kilometers from school. 6. Do your friends go to school by bus?



1.He ________ his bike to school.

A. by B. on .C. rides D. takes

2.________ is it from your home to the bus station? It’s about 2 kilometers A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much 3.My home is five kilometers_______ school.

A. to B. away from C. far D. far from



4.It’s difficult _______ the students ______ to school in the small village. A. for, getting B. for ,to get C. to, for getting D of , to get 5.There is a big river ______ the school ______ the village.

A. between, or B .between , and C. either , or D. both, and 6.He usually goes to work ___________.

A. takes a car B. by his father’s car C. drives his car D. in his father’s car 7._____ takes about halt hour _______ home.

A. I, to get B. It, to get C. It, getting D. She , to get 8.Mike is __________ boy.

A. an eleven years old B. an eleven-year-old C. a eleven-year-old D. a eleven-years-old

9 A:__________ does it take you to get to Beijing. B: About ten hours. A. How far B. How many C. How long D. How 10.A: _______ does he think of the trip? B: It’s boring. A. How B. What C. How long D. Why

11. It’s the __________(village) dream ________(have) a bridge.

12. There are no_________(bridge) on the river and the river runs too________(quick) for boats.

13.It’s not easy ________(cross) the river on a ropeway . 14.It takes _______(she) an hour ________(get) to school.

15.He _________(need )about half an hour _____ (get) home every day.

16.He lives in a small village 500 _________(hundred) kilometers from the center of the city

and he never _______(leave) the village. 17.I ride my bike to school.(划线提问) _______________________________?

18.She takes the subway to get to school. (划线提问) _____________________________________?

19. Her mom drives her car to work every day.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)

______ her mom____ her car to work every day? _______________________. 20.Tom lives about five kilometers from 56. (划线提问)

________ _________ _________Tom ________ from school? 21.It’s about 10 kilometers from my home to school. (划线提问)

_______ _______ _______ ________ from your home to school? 22. How do you like the trip? (同义句)

__________________________________________? 23.It takes me 25 minutes to walk to school. (划线提问)

________________________________________________________? 四.选单词并用其适当形式填空

also,of, make, well, play, number, run, dream, year, up Hi , I’m Betty .Do you want to_______ friends with me? I’m an English girl. This year I’m eleven______old. At school I like English, math and science . I ______ like music. I can sing and ______ the piano well. It’s my ________ to be a musician.



I have good habits .I get _____ early and go to bed early. I eat lots ______ fruit and vegetables every day .In the morning I _______ with my father for half an hour .I eat ________ and exercise every day . So I’m very healthy.

Please be my best friend! My telephone ________ is 878-0909 .You can e-mail me at betty1999@ 126.com,too.

五.书面表达 : Write an E-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school?

Hi Tom, How are you ? Thanks for last e-mail._________________________________________________



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