Translation 2
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As the Chinese saying goes, it is important to know oneself,The first person to put forward this notion was Laozi, whowrote in his book Dao De Jing: \ person who knows himself is insightful.\neself, including one's strengths and limitations, and to beclear-minded about what one can do, We cherish this virtueso much precisely because it is really hard for people toknow themselves. Knowing oneself is both part of aphilosophy of life and a virtue that can facilitateself- improvement and attainment of a higher life goal.
在西方,做父母的非常了解受父母过度保护的孩子的弱:点:这些孩子害怕冒险,缺乏决断力,缺少在现实生活中获得成功的手段; 上大学时,许多人无法较好地适应大学生活的严苛,退学是常有的事。因此,父母非常注重培养孩子独立自主的能力。他们给孩子提供大量的学习独立思考技能的机会,让孩子认识到独立自主的能力可以提升他们在课堂内外的学习效率及表现。此外,他们还给孩子有限的选择,尊重孩子的偏好,帮助孩子出色地完成各项任务,以这种方式鼓励他们独立自主。他们还让孩子参与筹划和决策的过程,让他们提出自己的看法。尤其重要的是,他们鼓励孩子独立完成各项任务一包括日常家务活,并经常给予正面的鼓励,避免对
Compared with the childhood of their parents, children nowdo enjoy a far better material life, but their emotional lifeseems less satisfying. They are less likely to play with theirpeers, for toys have replaced their playmates as their mostloyal friends. Their parents can always afford to buy them allkinds of expensive toys. The good thing about this is thatthey no longer pester their parents to play with them all daylong, because toys and video games have lessened theirfeelings of loneliness. But there are also negative effects:The addiction to toys and video games may cause a child's eyesigh to 2 deteriorate or result in reluctance to communicate with others. These phenomena should demandthe attention of both parents and schools.
Translation 1
《格尔尼卡》是西班牙艺术家巴勃罗●毕加索1937年为抗. 议轰炸西班牙北部一个小村庄而作的一幅巨型壁画。这、幅大型壁画高3.49米,宽7.76米,展示了暴力和混乱给人和动物带来的苦难以及对建筑物的破坏。令人吃惊的是,整个壁画的色调由灰、黑、白组成,没有用鲜艳的红色来表现血腥的场面,但恐怖的景象却历历在目。画面.上的人物并非用写实主义的画法来表现,而是采用立体派和抽象派的画法,但无辜平民惨遭屠杀的惨象却一公目了然:一位母亲怀抱死婴,张嘴尖叫,她仰面朝天,不伤心欲绝:一位士兵横尸地上,手里还紧握着-把断剑:另外三个人也都处于震惊和痛苦之中。画面中的动物一-包括一匹受伤的马和一只哭泣的鸟一也都被描绘成这次屠杀的无辜受害者。毫无疑问,描绘这些扭曲变形的骇人惨象的目的就是让观众感到震惊。这种对人类悲苦惨状的描绘是对战争的残酷和荒谬的深刻控诉。
Translation 2
In the Mogao caves in Dunhuang, the murals with“flyingapsaras\ are one of the most wellknown artefacts. The flyingapsaras in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a product of theintermixing of Indian and Chinese culture. In India, flyingcelestial beings called “lying apsaras” appear mostly inmurals in Buddhist caves, while in the Chinese Daoisttradition, flying celestial beings are known as “flyingimmortals\ of Buddhism in China wasat an early stage, people began to use the term 。“flyingapsaras\ to refer to the flying immortals in the murals. Later,with the development of Buddhism in' China, the artisticimages of Buddhist flying apsaras and Daoist flyingimmortals merged with each other. The flying apsaras in theDunhuang Grotto Murals are a most ingenious creation ofancient Chinese artists, and a marvel in the history of worldart.
Translation 1
Translation 2
China, with the largest population of elderly people in theworld, has become an ageing society. Meanwhile, China isalso a country undergoing social transition. It will be a longtime before a sound social welfare system can be established,which means that China is in a unique situation when itcomes to care of its ageing population. It is predicted that inthe next 50 years, family care for the aged will still be thedominant practice in China. Filial picty has always been asignificant part of traditional Chinese ethics. In today'sageing society, it will be all the more important to promiotethe virtue of filial piety, as it will continue to play a crucialrole in encouraging people to take good care of their elderlyfamily members by providing daily care and emotional
Translation 1
美国梦是美国民族精神的体现。简而言之,其观念就是美国是一个充满机会的地方:在那里,只要肯努力奋斗,就能获得富裕、成功。这种对改善社会地位和经济状况少的信仰,即美国人可以从卑微的穷人变为富人的信仰,--直被称为“国民宗教”。在经济状况和社会地位上获得巨大提升的著名案例包括本杰明●富兰克林和亨利福特。其他从父辈到子辈就实现从美国下层社会跻身上流社会的最为人津津乐道的例子是亚伯拉罕●林肯和比尔克林顿。他们虽然出身于工人阶级家庭,却在成年之后当上了高官。民意测验表明,现在美国人的这个信念比以往任何时候都强,比其他任何发达国家的都强。但是,近年来,几项大型的研究发现,与同类国家相比,<美国的垂直代际社会流动性降低。2013年,布鲁金斯学会的一项研究发现,收入的不平等正变得更加固定,从而大大降低了社会流动性。2014 年发布的一项大型学术研究的结果发现在过去的20年里,收入的流动性没有发生显著的变化。 Translation 2
Women are an important part of the labour force. But genderdiscrimination in the job market still exists, and serves as acounterforce to the building of a harmonious society. As faras employees are concerned, jobs that do not suit theirtalents will not only give rise to a waste of the investment inhuman capital, but also cause them to lose faith in socialjustice. As for employers, gender discrimination will notonly disrupt the process of selecting talent,and thus wastetalent, but will also harm the perception of a properlyfunctioning market. On the level of society, genderdiscrimination will set an obstacle to the proper distributionof human resources, and damage a fair environment in thejob market.