
毕业论文——《博宇员工工资管理系统的设计与实现》 绍兴职业技术学院 摘要 近年来,随着我国信息技术的飞速发展,

计算机应用已逐渐渗透到各个领域。在企业管理领域内,计算机的应用已经十分广泛,各种管理机制与企业运作流程都与计算机紧密结合在一起,计算机的应用进一步完善了企业的管理,提高了企业的现代化管理形象。 开发职工工资管理系统的目的就是为了帮助财务部门能更好地管理本单位的职工工资,提高工作效率,实现职工工资信息管理的规范化和自动化。 博宇员工工资管理系统使用PowerBuilder,采用SQL Server作为数据库,实现了一般工资管理系统对职工工资信息的浏览、添加、删除、修改和查询功能,节省了大量的人工操作的工作量,自动完成众多的信息处理,减少了数据出现错误的几率,加强了工资记录的安全性和完整性。 本文还简单介绍了PowerBuilder软件的界面及操作方法。简要介绍了窗体的制作,数据库的分析与设计,系统的最后编译过程。并且叙述了作者在软件开发过程中的心得体会。 关键词:工资管理 PowerBuilder SQL Server

Abstract In recent years, along with the rapid

development of our country’s information technology, the computer application has gradually seeped to each field. In the enterprise management field, the computer application has been already extremely widespread, each kind of management mechanism and operation flow of enterprise are all in close

integration with computer, the computer application has further consummated enterprise's management and enhanced the image of enterprise's modern management. The management system about human affairs salary of enterprise resource planning (ERP) adapts the request of modern enterprise, it is the essential condition that make the management of enterprise’s human affairs salary become scientific and standardized, and it establishes the information superhighway for the enterprise, and urges the enterprise to form convenient, scientific and reasonable management pattern. The human affairs and salary management system is one part of the enterprise resource planning, it is also an extremely important part of enterprise’s management system. Through carrying on the digitized management to the human affairs salary information, the enterprise will speed up the information processing speed and enhanc

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