
Why?(Why is that?) Because they are cute.

Step 4 听力训练:

听录音(1b)。在1a中勾出所听到的 动物。(panda, giraffe, penguin) Step 5小组活动:讨论在动物园中最先参观的动物,并给出理由。 Step 6 对话表演

(1)让小学生进行表演1c部分的知识点,进行对话训练。 (2)让几组学生在班上进行对话练习。 Step 7 Pair work

Ask the students to read the conversation in 3b first. And then ask them to make conversations. Now practice asking and answering questions about what the people in the pictures did last weekend. Practice in pairs. Use the dialogue as an example. Give the students two minutes to read and make the conversations.

Step 8 Copy the words and phrases.


Period 2(Section A: 2a- grammar focus)

授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2017年___月___日____午第____节 Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。

2.Revise the new words and expressions.

3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day. 4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework. Step 2 Presentation

1、使用各种动物图片,复习动物名称,谈论喜好及程度。 (1)What animal is it? It’s a tiger.

(2)Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (3)Why? / Why not? Because they’re very (kind of)…

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讲解very, kind of的用法,可将Section B第一部分中的ugly, scary等词提前教学。

2、学生练习对所看到的动物的喜好(程度)及原因,并表演对话。 Step 3 听力训练:

(1) 听录音,完成练习(2a)。 (2)步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2b)。

Step 4小组活动:为自己的同学选择生日礼物。调查同伴最喜爱和不喜爱的小动物及原因,然后为他/她准备一份动物玩具作为生日礼物。使用下列表格: Names Animals he/she likes

Step 5 互组活动:(让学生在对话的语境中练习自己的交际能力,巩固本课的句型)

汇报为同学选取生日礼物的情况,可采用情景复现的方式(小组对话),也可以采用汇报结果的方式。 Step 6 Reading

Present the photos of Emily and Dave (They are laughing) and ask:

T: Are you happy? Why?

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Reasons Animals he/she dislikes Reasons Revise. Then show the photo of Zhao Pei Ask: Is she happy? Let Ss read the letter and find out the answers. After that, ask Ss make a list about her rules .

T: What can you do at your house and what can’t you do in your house? (Get different answers from Ss.) Step7 Grammar focus

让学生反复读,然后把这些句子翻译成英语。 Step8 Homework

Copy the words and phrases. 反思教学:


Period 3(Section A: 3a-4)

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授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2017年___月___日____午第____节 Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。

2.Revise the new words and expressions.

3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day. 4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework. Step 2 Presentation

出示动物玩具或图片:a panda,a lion,a koala bear,请学生表达对这些动物的好恶。复习并介绍国名China, Australia, South Africa。句型结构Where are pandas from? Pandas are from China.(注意另一种表达,Where do pandas come from? Pandas come from China.)可以对这些动物的习性等做简单介绍,将Section B中的部分词汇和表达在此处介绍,如:eat grass, sleep during the day, at night, eat leaves,lazy, meat等。(3a) Step 2 :

学生练习谈论对上述三种动物的喜好,产地及简单习性。(3b) What animals do you like? I like pandas. Where are pandas from? They are from China. They are lazy. They like eating bamboos. Step3:

出示另外几种动物,如:an elephant, a giraffe, a kangaroo等,要求学生对这几种动物开展谈论,包括喜好、产地、习性等信息。

Step 4 对话表演:(让学生与自己的伙伴交流,锻炼他们的口头表达能力) Step5 Bingo。

要求学生从所给的词语中随机选择九个填入旁边的格子中。放录音,让学生听到自己所选的词时,在该词上划叉,最先连成三个一排者为胜者。(Part4) Step 6 Writing

Look back at the ad in 3a.Now please write your own ad. You can use some of the sentences from activity 3a. But please use your own types of dumplings and choose different drinks. You can also change the prices. Read your ad for the class.

Step 7 Pair work

Ask the students to read the conversation in 3b first. And then ask them to make conversations. Now practice asking and answering questions about what

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the people in the pictures did last weekend. Practice in pairs. Use the dialogue as an example. Give the students two minutes to read and make the conversations. Step 8 Homework Review the key sentences.

教学后记: __ _

Period 4(Section B: 1-3)

授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2017年___月___日____午第____节 Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。

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