
辽宁工程技术大学 课 程 设 计 题 目:基于Pro/E风扇设计与运动仿真

班 级: 机械09-1班 姓 名: 洪 舒 阳 指导教师: 曹 艳 丽 完成日期:2013年1月17日


摘 要






Electric fan is a common household appliances, this design to desktop electric fan, for example, to expound Pro/E design fan process. Its exterior structure is relatively complex, if use the traditional CAD drawing software design is very difficult, Pro/E can be easy to solve this problem, Pro/E software has very powerful entities modelling, surface modeling, virtual assembling simulation, engineering drawing generation, and other functions. This article mainly described entity modeling, electric fan shape of component assembly, electric fan blade rotation simulation. Design comprehensive use the tensile, scanning, mixing entity modeling the basic method, Surface trim, merger, offset, substantiate complex modeling method, Assembly design method used with a mouth of nonartesian-artesian constraints and connection mouth constraints. The fan modeling design was generally adopted a bottom upward design methods, in the component in the design process also USES a top-down design method. We are studying the fanner modeling design process, besides study modeling method outside, more important is to learn this model design thought.


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