牛津小学英语5A期末测试题 - 图文



一、听句子,选出所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(每题1分,共9分) ( ) 1. A. ski B. start C. skate D. stand ( ) 2. A. large B. laugh C. lantern D. lamp ( ) 3. A. floor B. follow C. flower D. forget

( ) 4. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond D. square

( ) 5. A. swim B. swimming C. swing D. swings ( ) 6. A. word B. world C. worker D. work ( ) 7. A. chickens B. kitchen C. chicken D. change ( ) 8. A. here B. hair C. head D. hill

( ) 9. A. a lot of horses B. a lot of houses C. lots of houses D. lots of horses 二、听问句,选出合适的答句。(听两遍)(每题1分,共5分)

( ) 1. A. It’s a circle. B. It’s a rectangle. C. It’s a diamond. D. It’s a star. ( ) 2. A. They are doing their homework. B. They are in the cinema.

C. They are doing housework. D. They are very happy.

( ) 3. A. There are three. B. I have three.

C. She has three. D. I can see three.

( ) 4. A. There are some fruit. B. There’s a hill.

C. They’re dogs. D. It’s near the bag.

( ) 5. A. I am skiing. B. I like skiing. C. I’d like to ski. D. We can ski. 三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,用T和F表示。(听两遍) (每题1分,共8分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍)(每格1分,共8分) 1.Our new _____________ is _____________ the garden. 2.Mrs Brown is _____________ _____________ Mike. 3.____________ are some ______________ in the vase. 4.What _____________ is the ______________ ?




aren’t (同音词) _________ child (复数) _________ I’ll (完整形式)_________ us (主格)_________ he (宾格) ________ my parents (名词所有格) _________ fat (反义词) _________ sit (现在分词) _________ they (物主代词) _________ 二、英汉互译。(每题1分,共10分)

1、来加入我们 2、在一节美术课上 _________________ 3、课后 4、给我看看你的画册 ________________ 5、和她的朋友们一起玩 6、how to make a model plane 7、喜欢唱歌跳舞 8、read a magazine with him 9、五颗红星 10、make a New Year card 三、选择。(每题1分,共15分)

( ) 1. There a spoon. You can use chopsticks. A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t D. is

( ) 2. Yang Ling a box of chocolates and her friends two tins of fish. A. has, has B. have, has C. have, have D. has, have. ( ) 3. Hello. This is Su Yang. Is that Nancy? Hello. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, that is. C. No, this is David. D. No, she isn’t. ( ) 4. What’s in the cup? some juice. A. There are B. There is C. It’s D. They’re ( )5. What Nancy have? She a pot and a stove. A. does, have B. do, has C. does, has D. do, have

( )6. There are five____in the flag(旗帜)of the Olympic(奥林匹克), and there

are five____in our national(国家) flag.

A. stars, circles B. circles, stars C. harts, stars D. circle, diamond ( ) 7. —______ are you going? —To the playground. A. What B. Where C. Who D. How ( ) 8.I’m fourteen. you?

A.How about B. How old C. Are D. What ( ) 9.Mr Ma is a _______. He is _____ his students about shapes.

A. teacher, teach B. teacher, teaching C. teach, teach D. teachers, teacher ( )10. _____ Sundays, we can watch TV _____ the evening. A. In; On B. On; In C. At; In D. On; On ( )11. Are you new doctors here? ——Yes, ________. A.I am B. I’m not C. we are D. we aren’t ( )12. Here a lot of pictures for you.


A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )13. I can the violin. I like the violin.

A. play, playing B. play, play C. playing, playing D. play, to play

( )14. Su Hai and Su Yang are _____ picture books in the library. A. watching B. looking C. reading D. looking at ( )15. —______ is your bike? —The blue one under the tree.

A. What colour B. Where C. What D. Which 四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(每空0.5分,共5分) 1、I like______ (draw). I’d like ______ (draw) now. 2、My classroom is on ______ (one) floor.

3、Children’s Day is ___(come), our parents would like

_______(buy) things for______(we). 4、There ______ (be) any milk in the bottle.

5、Does Mike ______(have) a towel? No, but he ______(have) a blanket. 6、Listen, the birds _________ (sing) in the tree. 五、连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)

1. table, our, playing, like, we, tennis, with, friends (.) 2. help, you, with, them, can, English, their (?)

3. the, is, shape, moon, what(?)

4. Year, New, for, buy, grandparents, card, let’s, a, our (.) 5. many, does, have, Nancy, sweets, the, how (?)


1. There’s only one square in Picture 2.(对划线部分提问。) _______ _______ _______ are there in Picture 2?

2. There are some maps of the world on the wall.( 改写成否定句。)

There ______ ______ maps of the world on the wall. 3. My brother has a small fat pig. (对划线部分提问。) What ______ your brother _______?

4. The old women are jogging in the park. ( 改写成一般疑问句。) ______ ______ the old women ______ in the park?

5. The children go to school on foot every day. (改为同义句) The children _______ _______ school every day. 6. They have some new skirts.(改为单数形式) _______ _______ a new skirt.




Can you show _______ how to _______ _______ flowers? 2、—沙发旁边有什么?—有一个书柜。

— _______ _______ the sofa? —_______ a bookcase. 3、在音乐课上我们能学会一些歌曲。

We can ______ some songs _______ _______ lessons. 4、你喜欢我的拼图吗?喜欢,我也喜欢拼拼图。 — Do you _______ my puzzle? — Yes, I like ______ puzzles, too. 5、—猜一猜我在干什么?—你在滑雪。

—What ______ I doing? Guess. —______ skiing. 6、我没有玩具,但是杨玲有一个。

I _____ ______ toys, but Yang Ling _____ one. 八、阅读理解(每题1分,共6分)

Where are the cake and the cat?

It’s an Art lesson. Mr Art is teaching his students drawing. The students are learning how to draw pictures.

Mr Art: Today we’re going to draw a cake and a cat, OK? Look at the blackboard,

please. This is a cake. What shape is it, Tony? Tony: It’s a circle.

Mr Art: That’s right. There are some candles and some words on the cake. Do you

know the words, Mike?

Mike: They’re “Happy Birthday!”

Mr Art: Good. What can you see on the cake, Liu Tao?

Liu Tao: I can see two hearts on the cake, a big one and a small one.

Mr Art: Yes, you are right. Now, please look! Beside the cake there’s a cat. I’ll show

you how to draw it. OK?

Mr Art: Great! Now it's your turn to draw the cat and the cake. (All the students begin to draw pictures.) Mr Art: Tony! What are you drawing? Tony: I’m drawing a cake and a cat. Mr Art: But where’s the cake? Tony: The cat has eaten the cake. Mr Art: Where’s the cat? Tony: It has run away(跑了).

根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示: ( ) 1. It’s a Music lesson.

( ) 2. Mr Art is teaching the students how to draw shapes. ( ) 3. There are two big hearts on the cake. ( ) 4. The cake is a circle.

( ) 5. There is a cat behind the cake.

( ) 6. Mr Art finds no cats or cakes on Tony’s paper.



一、听句子,选出所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍) 1. Can you skate? 2. We need a lantern. 3. Follow me, please. 4. Is it a square?

5. There is a swing in the garden.

6. My father has a map of the world in the study. 7. The children have some tins of chicken. 8. On the hill, there are some pear trees. 9. There are lots of horses in the zoo. 二、听问句,选出合适的答句。(听两遍) 1. What shape is your English book? 2. What are your parents doing? 3. How many pots does Nancy have? 4. What’s in the basket? 5. What can you do?

三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,用T和F表示。(听两遍) 1. The children are having an English lesson. 2. Look, there’s no fish in the fridge.

3. They would like to buy some masks for Halloween. 4. What can Gan Shan do? He can play the violin. 5. The girl is reading a magazine. 6. What’s near the basket? There’s a dog. 7. Are they doing housework? Yes, they are. 8. What’s in the picture? There’s a slide. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍) 1. Our new house is beside the garden.


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