人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics 单元小测 含答案详解

Unit 1


tural relics


Ⅰ单词集训 A.词形转换

1.It was _____(amaze) that though he was very good at English, he didn't pass such an easy test. 2.I've just learned from the local people that the shop across the street can offer a fine ________(select) of cakes.

3.It seems that the old ________(wood) sofa is not very comfortable to sit on.

4.A group of leaders and experts ________(secret) flew to the earthquake-hit area to solve some difficult problems.

5.Why is it that he ________(rare) mentions his childhood when he is making a speech? 6.We have known for many years that our__(survive) depends on finding new sources of energy. 7.The role of friendship in one's health is ________(evidence) in almost everyone's life. 8.It is believed that Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in ________(cultural). 9.As Christmas is coming, when will you finish the ________(decorate) of the concert hall? 10.I believe that all that you've gone through here must have some ________(valuable), so I will support you.


1.The special design of the house ________ the fancy style was very popular in those days. 2.The Amber Room was a great treasure decorated ________ gold and jewels, which made a lot of people interested in it.

3.That day, I saw the little boy taking _______ the toy car which his mother had bought for him. 4.Now parents think ________ (high) of children's sports ability and will let them take part in some training.

5.For almost twenty years, the central room on the second floor has served ________ a reception hall for important visitors.

6.What should I do when I'm about to run out of gas ________ midnight on my way home? C.动词训练


1.It was said that the president could only ____________(move) from power once free elections were organized.

2.It seems that this kind of animal has to eat a lot of plants to get enough food ____________ (survive) and grow.

3.The vase ________(belong) to the Tang Dynasty is well worth buying in such a low price. 4.We ____________(debate) on the question from morning till late into the night last Sunday. 5.It was several days before the flood water ________(sink) and life returned to normal. 6.The owner of the house told us that the empty land in front of the house ____________(design) for a garden.

7.The directions of the washing machine say that it can't ____________(take) apart without experts present.

8.Before ______(select) a present for your friend, you have to find out what he or she is fond of. Ⅱ单句语法填空

1.To earn more money, so far he ____________(move) his family from the countryside to the nearby city.

2.The question of the origin of the universe is still ________ debate by scientists today. 3.All the persons present at the meeting agreed that his suggestion was worthy of ____________(follow).

4.The magazine that our American friend introduced to us is well ________(worthy) reading. 5.The two 13-year-old boys, Christian and Bill, rowed out a boat to search ________ their missing football.

6.Medical experts have found that there is certain ________(evident) of a link between exposure(暴露) to the sun and skin cancer.

7.After having sold most of his ____________(belong), he almost had nothing left in his house. 8.As there was so much noise, we couldn't __________(hear) what they were talking about. 9.Knowing how to look after her health, the old woman survived her husband ______ 12 years. 10.The players ________(select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer game.


1.The Hope Project ________________(专为……所设计) those children who drop out of


school because of being poor.

2.There is a wide variety of shoes ______________(属于) everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors.

3.He wanted to help do something __________(作为对……的回报) the kindness that she offered him.

4.When the fire broke out, the whole house went up in smoke in _________(不到) half an hour. 5.We all ________________(高度评价)our English teacher.His humour always makes our class lively and interesting.

6.Jim ________________(拆开) the TV set and spread the parts all over the floor, which made his parents very upset.

7.More and more farmers move from the countryside to big cities ________________(寻找) better chances to make money.

8.The two countries were ____________(在交战)with each other for many years but now their relation is getting better and better.

9.That evening, we found the small house in the village easily ________________(借助……的光线) the moon.

10.I don't know whether the boy broke the window by accident or ________________(故意地). Ⅳ句型训练


________________________ more and more people would like to shop online nowadays. 2.露西不可能去了香港,因为我刚才在街上遇到她了。(can't/couldn't +have done) Lucy ________________________ Hong Kong, for I met her in the street just now. 3.这位乘客误把属于另外一个乘客的雨伞拿走了。(定语从句和belong的短语)

The passenger took away the umbrella by mistake _____________________ another passenger. 4.我这次南非之行虽然艰苦并且令人疲惫,但欣赏一种不同的文化非常值得。(be worth doing)

My journey to South Africa is hard and tiring, but it well worth ________________________. 5.据说,何时何地去度周末现在仍然是一个问题。(疑问词+不定式) It is said that ________________________ remains a problem now. 6.曾经我跟我的同桌相处得很好而且我们相互关心。(time的句型)


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