
人教新目标版英语八年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 同步练习1


1.They found many (珠宝) in the old house. 2.There are many small (岛) in this country.

3.Tom Sawyer and Olive Twist are (极好的) classics. 4.Everyone,open your book at (页) 14.

5.You'll have to (赶快) if you want to catch that train.


6.There are so many beautiful skirts. I don't know which one (buy). 7.He finished (write) the letter at 10 p.m. last night. 8.The book is about boys (play) computer games. 9.Please go out as (quick) as possible when the earthquake happens. 10.She (water) the flowers. She (water) it two hours ago.


11. — Would you like to see the movie Zootopia with us? — I'd love to!But I ________ it.

A.saw B.see C.will see D.have seen 12. — ________,or we'll be late for the meeting.

— It's only half past one by my watch. We have enough time left.

A.Hurry up B.Don't worry C.Never mind D.Be quiet 13. I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou when I ________ in the future. A.grow up B.wake up C.stay up 14. — Have you been to Shanghai ________? — Yes,I've ________ been there twice.

A.already;already B.already;yet C.yet;already D.yet;yet 15.The book was very interesting,so I couldn't ________.

A.put it on B.put it in C.put it up D.put it down

四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16.这间屋里堆满了书。

This room is books. 17.我还没有读《汤姆索亚历险记》。

I Tom Sawyer . 18.你认为中国食物怎么样?

do you Chinese food? 19.这架飞机模型不如我的同伴的好,但至少它是我亲手做的。

The model plane isn't nice my partner's,but I made it by myself.


The book report two weeks.

答案: 一、

1. treasures 2.islands 3. fantastic 4.Page 5.hurry 二、

6. to buy 7.writing 8.playing 9.quickly 10.has watered watered 三、

11----15 DAACD 四、

16. full of

17. have not read 18. What 19. as/so 20. is due in

yet think of as at least

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