
2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解 (第2套) Part I Writing


一、提出观点:电脑在日常生活中虽然重要但并非必不可少(an important but not indispensable role)





主题词汇 make good use of充分利用 be fascinated by着迷于 illustrate阐述,阐释 information highway信息高速 extend…int0将……扩展到 attach importance to重视 key pal网友 digital数字的,数码的 be obsessed with沉迷于

句式拓展 1.For a long time many people would like to type…on the computer rather than conceive of…长期以来,许 多人宁愿把……打在电脑上,而不是自己构思……. 2.It is human beings themselves wh0….which makes the high technology…正是人类自身……,这使得高科. 技……。 Part II Listening Comprehension

1.W:Tom.would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year? M:Can I get back to you on that in a few days? 0:What does the man mean? C.

2.W:We should buy a good guide book and study it before our trip to Vancouver. M:We could.But they are overprice—d.What about the library? Q:What does the man mean? B.

3.W:You took a history course this term.didn’t you?What can you say about it?

M:Well,the trouble is that I never get through the weekly r—eadin—g list,though some books are quite interesting. Q:What does the man mean? C.

assignments,difficulty和book report等,由此可推测对话内容与男士在历史课上所碰到的问题相关。男士的话是解题的关键,需要特别注意。

4.M:I'm taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight. W.1 went there last weekend.I found it rather disappointing. Q:What does the woman mean? A.

5.W:Winter is over at last.Wiine to put away my gloves and boots. M:I've been waiting for this for months. Q:What does the man mean? A.

6.M.Look,the curtain is going up slowly and all the lights over the—stage are—lit up.

W:Yeah,the play is staring.Oh,something caught my sleeve.Give me a hand please,Bob.

Q:Where are the speakers now? D.

7.W:You only have water to serve your guests?

M:This isn't just plain water.This is mineral water.this is mineral water from Tibet.

Q:What does the man imply? B.

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