

( 1 ) 新近的,近来的,近来

1. Our parents _________ celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. 2. The growth of industry has been rapid in ________ years. ( 2 ) 理由,原因,有道理的,合情合理的

1. He had the wish to act quickly and _________ in an emergency.

2. Your proposal sounds __________, but we’ll have to talk about it further. 3. A __________ person is one who will listen to advice. 4. He refused to give any __________ for his action. 5. That is no __________ why you should leave. ( 3 ) 革命,革命的,革命者

1. The invention of the motor car has brought about a ________ in transport. 2. He had himself taken part in the __________ movement there in 1831. 3. His methods are quite __________.

4. The ___________ are attacking the palace.

( 4 ) 俄罗斯,俄国,俄国的,俄语,俄国人,俄语的,俄国人的 1. Is __________ grammar easy to learn? 2. The __________ love dancing. 3. Do you know __________?

4. __________ music is well-known.

5. __________ lies on the north of China. ( 5 ) 难过,悲哀,悲伤

1. We were full of __________. 2. He looked at her __________. 3. Why is he looking so __________?

4. Mary was __________ because she lost her money. ( 6 ) 安全,平安

1. They crossed the river _________.

2. The streets aren’t __________ at night.

3. The train is a __________ means of transportation. 4. He was anxious about the __________ of the children. ( 7 ) 令人满意,使满足,满足

1. The story had a __________ ending. 2. That answer won’t __________ her. 3. Are you __________ now?

4. Do you find much __________ in doing that sort of work? 5. That certainly seems a ____________ explanation. ( 8 ) 科学,科学的,科学家

1. He hasn’t much knowledge of __________.

2. There is a need for more __________ teachers. 3. Some __________ study the movements of the stars. 4. I’d like to see more __________ method used. ( 9 ) 秘密,秘密的,秘书

1. He dictated a letter to his __________.

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2. He left the town __________.

3. He kept his illness __________ from his wife.

4. One of the __________ of good health is regular exercise. ( 10 ) 使分离,使分开,分离,分开,单独

1. We __________ the good ones from the bad ones. 2. The suite consisted of four ________ rooms. 3. Are they joined together or __________?

4. His __________ from his family made him very sad. 答案:

( 1 ) 1. recently 2. recent

( 2 ) 1. reasonably 2. reasonable 3. reasonable 4. reason 5. reason

( 3 ) 1. revolution 2. revolutionary 3. revolutionary 4. revolutionaries ( 4 ) 1. Russian 2. Russians 3. Russian 4. Russian 5. Russia ( 5 ) 1. sadness 2. sadly 3. sad 4. sad ( 6 ) 1. safely 2. safe 3. safe 4. safety

( 7 ) 1. satisfying 2. satisfy 3. satisfied 4. satisfaction 5. satisfactory ( 8 ) 1. science 2. science 3. scientists 4. scientific ( 9 ) 1. secretary 2. secretly 3. secret 4. secrets

( 10 ) 1. separated 2. separate 3. separate 4. separation

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