

One【2018届上海市上海实验学校高三英语10月考试题】 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. thirst B. stole C. shaping D. heavily F. marks G. hit You may still remember the “Eight Minutes of Tokyo” in the closing ceremony of the Rio Olympics last August. Even if the Tokyo Games wasn’t going to be here for another four years, the performance of the new host successfully (31) the show with its famous animated characters – Doraemon, Hello Kitty and Super Mario.

It was a wise choice since there is probably nothing that shouts “Japan” more loudly than the country’s animation, known as “Japanimation”. And this year (32) the 100th anniversary of the very first Japanese cartoon, made in 1917.

In the past century, the wild imagination of Japanese animators continued to feed our (33)______. Monsters, fairies, robots and magic feature often in their work. It has also been inspiring film industries in other parts of the world. The (34) story of Disney’s The Lion King (1994), for example, actually comes from Japan’s Kimba the White Lion. And the 1999 Hollywood (35)________ film, The Matrix, was also (36)________ influenced by the 1989 Japanese manga Ghost in the Shell .

“I love his films. I study his films. I watch his films when I’m looking for (37) ,” John Lasseter, director of Pixar’s Toy Story, once said about famous Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki. And our (38) for this imaginary world is only growing. At the end of last year, for example, the story of Japanese cartoon Pokemon (was brought to life with the help of augmented reality technology. People in many countries are often seen searching for Pokemon in real life locations through the screens of their phones. They play it on their way to school, to work, and during holiday outings. Although Pokemon began as a video game a year before the cartoon came out, people should give the animation a “Thanks” for bringing it to a wider audience.

E. inspiration H. touching I. imaginative J. reportedly K. curiosity 1


Besides being a source of entertainment, Japanese animation is also a (39) force of our daily lives. For example, wearing glasses used to be considered as uncool and geeky (书呆子气的), but after the 1981 TV animation Arale (《阿拉蕾》), in which there is a heavily-nearsighted girl with wings and magic powers, glasses soon became fashionable. And the language we use – the word meng (萌), to name one – is also (40) from Japanese animation.

But interestingly, with all the imagination that is so admired by modern fans, it would still be hard for Japanese animators in 1917 to believe that the two-dimensional worlds that they were creating at the time would have such a big influence in today’s three-dimensional world.

Keys: 31-40 B F K H G D E A C J

Two【2018届上海市上海实验中学高三英语下学期4月考试题】 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. makeup B. accumulation C. grasping D. catching E. essentially F. necessarily G. fictional H. expand I. features J. criteria K. evolution Movies, TV shows, and video games have helped humanity paint a mental picture of what aliens might look like if we ever run into them, but most of the time those (31)_______ depictions have little or no scientific backing whatsoever. Researchers searching for extraterrestrial life don’t (32)______ know exactly what they’re looking for, but based on what we’ve learned about humanity’s rise there’s a handful of things nature tells us that are required for advancement of a civilization. In the book “The Future of Humanity,” author Michio Kaku attempts to answer the incredibly difficult question of what aliens might look like, and this time it’s not just a guess.

Kaku consulted with exobiology experts and theorists who specialize in hypothetical alien life forms which have developed on far-off worlds much different from Earth. Using that accumulated knowledge, Kaku came up with a very basic list of (33)______ that any intelligence alien race would need to have in order to reach a level similar to humanity.

As the New York Post reports, the requirements that Kaku has dreamt up are (34)______ the



same capabilities that scientists believe have allowed humans to progress in the way that we have:

Thumbs – Scientists have long believed that (35) _______which led to opposable thumbs was a huge factor in the rise of primates(灵长类). A method of (36)_______objects allows for the making of tools which, it is thought, is one of the very earliest signs of intelligence as we know it. It makes sense that aliens would have followed a similar path.

Language – This one is a bit tricky because it’s incredibly non-specific. The key here isn’t just the ability to communicate with each other in the moment — many animals have species-wide methods of vocal communication that could be considered language — but also to relay information and pass it down between generations. This allows the (37)________ of knowledge over long periods of time and gives new members of a species the chance to (38)______ and “stand on the shoulders” of those who came before them.

These (39)________ obviously sound a lot like what we’re all born with, which makes perfect sense. However, within this very basic outline there’s plenty of room for variation. If aliens only need two eyes, a gripping appendage(附属肢体), and some kind of language in order to have caught up with humans, there’s really no telling what form their bodies have actually taken, especially on planets with chemical (40)______ far different from Earth.

Keys: 31-40


Three【2018届上海市华二附中高三英语下学期3月考试题】 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. hunting B. entertain C. sensible D. history E. composition F. sensitive G. standing H. research L. currently J. native K. approximately

Oumuamua, an object tumbling(翻转)through space hat was discovered on October 19th, has already made (31)______. The speed at which it is moving relative to the sun means that it cannot


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