
11.A. B. C.

12.A. B. C.

13.A.It was good. B.It was OK.

C.It was not very good.

14.A.In Beijing. B.In New York. C.In London. 15.A.Yesterday morning. B.This morning. C.This afternoon. 四、听短文填空(每小题1分,共5分)

Information Sheet 16.I join a ________club. 17.I learn a new ________ there. 18.I go to the club on ________ after school. 19.________ likes playing the violin. 20.I hope I will be a ________ player someday. 第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(100分)


21.Beijing Duck is ________ Chinese dish.________dish is famous and delicious.

A.the;The B.a;The C.an;A D./;A 22.My cousin went abroad at ________ age of eighteen.

A.a B.an C.the D./

23.Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let's try our best ________ them.

A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps

24.There is ________ news about this movie star in the newspaper.

A.so many B.so much C.a lot D.few 25.—Dinner is ready.Help yourself!

—Wow! It ________ delicious.You are really good at cooking. A.looks B.sounds C.tastes D.feels

26.Mr. Smith told his son ________ the football match because of (因为) the exam.

A.not to watch B.to not watch C.not watching D.doesn't watch 27.—Did you buy anything special?

—Yes, I ________ something for my mother. A.bought B.buy C.will buy D.buys 28. (易错题) —Morning,class. Is ________ here?

—No, sir.Tom is absent.

A.anybody B.everybody C.nobody D.somebody 29.Is the museum worth________?

A.visit B.visited C.to visit D.visiting 30.Mary can't wait________ to the Silk Road.

A.go B.goes C.going D.to go

31.This movie wasn't ________.He fell asleep halfway through it.

A.interesting enough B.enough interesting C.interested enough D.enough interested

32.It ________ me about 10 days ________ painting the walls.

A.took;to finish B.cost;finishing C.took;finishing D.spent;to finish

33.The child doesn't need any help.He is old enough to ________ himself.

A.put on B.wear C.dress D.take care 34.Swiss did not________the two world wars.

A.take part in B.take out C.take off D.take care of 35.—We're going to HK Disneyland next weekend.


A.So lucky! B.Have a good time! C.That's all right. D.It's boring.

36.—I'm sorry, Mr. Li.I ________ my English homework at home.

—Don't forget ________ it to school tomorrow.

A.left;to bring B.forgot;to take C.lost;to bring

37.—Simon, did you watch the basketball match yesterday? It was really ________.

—Yeah, my friends and I were very ________ to watch it. A.excited;exciting B.exciting;excited C.exciting;exciting D.excited;excited

38.There are twenty students in our class.Twelve are boys; are girls.

A.others B.the others C.other D.another

39.Great changes have taken place in the city!I can't imagine what it will be like in ________ years.

A.more ten B.ten another C.ten more D.ten other

40.—Hi, Kim.It's you.I _______ you _______ here in Shenzhen.When did you come here?

—Last month.

A.don't know;were B.hadn't known;are C.haven't known;are D.didn't know;were


Venice(威尼斯) is the “Queen” of the Adriatic Sea.Every year ________(41) from all over the world ________(42) Italy to visit the city.Do you know ________(43) they like to go there for a visit?

Venice is a very beautiful city.It is quite different ________(44) other cities in the world.There ________(45) roads or streets in the city.So there aren't any cars or buses.There are________(46)canals(运河) in the city.There is one big canal and 177 small canals.People move________(47) and down the canals ________(48) to go to work,________(49) or visit their friends.But Venice is sinking(下沉).It is going down and the water is going up.In 2040 Venice will be ________(50) water.The Adriatic Sea will cover the city. 41.A.thousand people B.thousands people C.thousands of people

42.A.travel to B.travel from C.traveled to 43.A.where B.what C.why 44.A.from B.with C.of

45.A.are some B.aren't any C.aren't some 46.A.many B.any C.much 47.A.on B.up C.off

48.A.on buses B.in cars C.on boats

49.A.go to shop B.go shopping C.go to shopping 50.A.under B.with C.on 七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)

A (词数:约100;建议用时:5分钟)

Alice is a Canadian girl.She is 13.She is in Beijing with her parents.She doesn't know much Chinese.She can't speak Chinese well.Sometimes her friends don't understand(理解) her.

It's a Sunday morning.She's going to the zoo to see the pandas(大熊猫).She is waiting at the bus stop.At the bus stop,she asks a boy how to go to the zoo.But the boy can't understand her.Then she takes out(拿出)a pen and some paper.She draws a panda on the paper and shows(展示) the picture to the boy.The boy smiles and then shows her the way to the zoo. 51.Alice is in Beijing with her________. A.brother B.sister

C.uncle D.father and mother 52.Alice can speak________Chinese.

A.much B.little C.few D.many 53.Alice is going to the zoo________.

A.on her bike B.on a bus C.in a car D.on a train 54.Alice is going to the zoo to see________.

A.her friends B.the tigers C.the monkeys D.the pandas 55.The boy ________.

A.shows her the way B.doesn't know the way C.goes to the zoo with her D.gives a map to her


Hello, everyone! I will tell you something about my trip to the U.K.

When I got to London Heathrow International Airport, I began my visit. First, I went to a senior high school. I was happy on the first night there because I lived with a kind family, the Whites. It was a big family. They were very friendly to me. They helped me do many things. When I wanted to write to my friends, they let me use their computer. When I lost my camera, they helped me look for it.

After some days, I went to another two schools. I lived in the Smiths' house. There were four people in the family. I was surprised that the parents were from two countries.

It was a nice trip and I was happy to be with the two families. They would be my friends forever. 56.The writer lived____on the first night.

A. in a senior high school B. in the Whites' house C. in the Smiths' house D. in another school 57.The writer went to____ schools.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

58.Why was the writer surprised when he got to the Smiths' house?

A. Because the parents of the family were from two countries. B. Because the family were not very helpful to him.

C. Because the family was too big.

D. Because there were only four people in the family.

59.What's the meaning of the underlined word “forever” in Chinese?

A.从来不 B. 最好的 C. 曾经 D. 永远

60.What's the best title (标题)of the passage?

A. My best friend in the U.K. B. Families in London C. Schools in London D. My trip to the U.K.


The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.61.about,__it,__long,__miles__,is,__5,500.The ancient Chinese began to build some walls around 600 B.C.Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China, joined the old walls together.From then on, people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation.Every year, many people find great pleasure in visiting the Great Wall.65.But__some__sections__of__it__are__falling__down. So people recently began to protect and repair the Great Wall.

61题连词成句;62、 63题判断正(T)误(F);64题回答问题;65题英译汉。 61.将文中61处的词连成句子。

_______________________________________________________________________ 62.The ancient Chinese began to build the walls in 500 B.C.( ) 63.Many people visit the Great Wall every year.( ) 64.Who joined the old walls together?

_______________________________________________________________________ 65.将文中65处画线部分的句子译成汉语。

_______________________________________________________________________ 九、选词并用其适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分) interest, realize, especially, watch, experience, suggestion

66.You shouldn't make any noise in class,________ when the teacher is talking. 67.The film is very ________.It is worth ________.

68.Can you give us some ________ on learning Chinese?

69.I ________ my mistakes just now(刚才).But I didn't speak them out. 70.The professor has much ________ in teaching. 十、连词成句(每小题2分,共10分) 71.riding, camel, he, is, a

_____________________________________________________________________. 72.things, I, many, China, realized, about

_________________________________________________________________. 73.anyone, any, does, suggestions, have

___________________________________________________________________? 74.some, my, here, photos, trip, are, from

_____________________________________________________________________. 75.arrive, they, in, Hebei, did, when

___________________________________________________________________? 十一、书面表达(15分)


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