
12.A. B. C.

13.A.Every day. B.Once a week. C.Twice a week. 14.A.Once a day. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a day. 15.A.The man near the market.

B.The man at the market.

C.The woman near the market.

四、听短文,选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分) 16.Where are Linda and Susan from?

A.They are from Canada. B.They are from China. C.They are from the USA.

17.How do they go to school every morning?

A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By car. 18.What time do they play games?

A.At 4:30. B.Before 12:00. C.At 8:00.

19.What do they do in the evening?

A.They watch TV.

B.They do their homework. C.Both A and B. 20.What do they like?

A.Chinese people. B.Chinese food. C.Both A and B.



21.Bob can play ________ guitar at the age of five.

A.a B.an C.the D./ 22.I can do my homework by ________.

A.my B.me C.mine D.myself

23.I know a lot about my pen friend though we've ________ met before.

A.often B.always C.never D.usually 24.Who can ________ a good idea?

A.come on B.come out C.come up with D.come up

25.Girls are more interested ________ English.

A.to B.at C.for D.in

26.Must I finish ________ my homework now?

A.do B.to do C.doing D.did

27.People can buy different ________ things online.

A.kind B.a kind C.kinds D.kinds of 28.I eat three ________ every morning.

A.piece of bread B.pieces of bread C.piece of breads D.pieces of breads

29.—Listen! There ________ someone ________at the door.

—It must be your sister.

A.is;knocking B.is;knock C.are;knocking D.are;knock 30.—Why do you want to stay at home?

—Because I ________ good when I am with my family. A.smell B.feel C.taste D.sound

31.Are you interested in________ different kinds of things?

A.make B.making C.made D.to make 32.—Smoking is bad for your health.

—You're right.I decide to________. A.take it down B.find it out C.turn it off D.give it up

33.The students felt happy because they______the basketball game.

A.win B.won C.lose D.lost 34.—________ do you visit your grandfather?

—Once a week.

A.How many B.How soon C.How often D.How much 35.—Hi,Jack!How's it going?

—________.We are having a great time in the water park. A.Terrible B.Pretty good C.It's boring D.It's a good idea


I get up at half past seven and get dressed for school.My school has a ________(36) —black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie.The girls wear the same, or they can ________(37) a black skirt.Not all British schools have a uniform, but it's common here.

I don't live far from the school, ________(38) I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma.Lots of students ________(39) the school bus or their parents drive them to school.On Mondays we all start the day ________(40) a meeting in the school hall at eight fifty.The head teacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.

This year I've got nine subjects.We all study English, maths and science, and then we choose other


We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for ________(42)Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends and I always eat in the ________(43) room where you can get a hot meal every day.

Lessons ________(44) at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until five o'clock.There are lots of clubs and activities at our school.

At the end of the day I always spend two hours on ________(45) —sometimes three hours, as we get lots of homework now.

36.A.tradition B.uniform C.rule D.habit 37.A.borrow B.make C.wear D.take 38.A.so B.however C.because D.but 39.A.repair B.wash C.clean D.catch 40.A.at B.in C.on D.with 41.A.clothes B.subjects C.games D.clubs

42.A.lunch B.breakfast C.meal D.supper 43.A.sitting B.living C.waiting D.dining 44.A.begin B.end C.continue D.last

45.A.events B.clubs C.homework D.activities 七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


Hello, I'm Li Dong.Do you want to have a pen pal from other countries? I have many pen pals.I will introduce(介绍) some of them to you.

This is Paul.He is 13 years old.He is from Canada and he speaks English.He can also speak a little Chinese.He likes sports.He plays soccer on weekends.It's his favourite sport.He likes math.His favourite star is Julia Roberts.He wants to make more Chinese friends.If you want to be his friend, please write to him, or you can send e-mails.His e-mail address is paul157@yahoo.com.

Her name is Lucy, and she is 12 years old.She is from America.She likes China very much, so she wants to know more about it.If you want to tell her something about China, you can write to her.Her e-mail address

is lucy132@yahoo.com. 46.Paul is from________.

A.Australia B.Canada C.China D.Japan 47.Lucy wants to________.

A.learn English B.go to China C.know more about China D.learn French 48.________likes Julia Roberts.

A.Lucy B.Li Dong

C.Paul D.Li Dong and Lucy 49.Paul and Lucy are from________.

A.the same country B.Canada

C.China D.different countries

50.If you want to make friends with Paul, you can send e-mails to him.His e-mail address is ________.

A.lucy132@yahoo.com B.paul157@yahoo.com C.tomanderson@163.com D.humingyi@hotmail.com



School Programs Monarch School Group classes in art are offered every day. Nice and patient teachers are waiting for you. Monthly shows and weekly classes with guest artists. Art Program for beginners only. Tel:650-720-1677 www.monarch.com Hillbrook School Music Program is offered all year round to students of grades 1—5. You can choose violin lessons or piano lessons. Enjoy our beautiful school with gardens and playgrounds. Emerson School Sports Program for students of grades 1-3 starts in January! Woodshop Program starts on January 15th. Students of grades 4-6 are welcome. Tel:650-903-0986 www.emerson.com Almaden School Every child can be different and special. Our Development Program helps students of grades 1—6 improve thinking skills through math, science,life skills,cultural activities and Tel:650-968-5957 www.hillbrook.com fun games. Tel:650-403-3575 www.almaden.com 51.Which school offers Music Program? A.Hillbrook School. B.Emerson School. C.Monarch School. D.Almaden School.

52.If you are interested in group classes in art, you can call________.

A.650-968-5957 B.650-903-0986

C.650-403-3575 D.650-720-1677

53.Sports Program is for students of grades________.

A.1—5 B.1—6 C.1—3 D.4—6 54.Which program helps improve thinking skills?

A.Sports Program. B.Art Program.

C.Development Program. D.Woodshop Program.

55.Where can you probably read this article?

A.A dictionary. B.A newspaper. C.A storybook. D. A science report.

C (词数:约200;建议用时:5分钟)

Most middle school students find it boring to learn math.But students in Yat Sen Middle School in New York, US, don't think so.Why? Because they are in the School of One Program, which asks students to work on their own or in small groups on computers to have math lessons.

“The program gives the students a new learning style.No traditional classroom can compare with it.We give each lesson according to the students' interests and their strong and weak points,” said Joel I.Klein, the school's head teacher.“We're looking for a way that interests children.”

Students enjoy these math lessons, especially the lessons with video games.They must find out the answers to math problems to get through the game.One of the games is Dimension M.As students move through mazes(迷宫) with their keyboards, some questions come up.

Caleb Deng had to answer the question: What is 5+(6×3)? He calculated on paper quickly because there was just one minute left to play.

“I was right,” said Deng,14, as he ended the game with a high score(高分).“This really makes math lessons more exciting, since we are fighting to learn better.”

56.Most middle school students think________. A.math is interesting B.math is boring

C.math is exciting D.math is tiring 57.Which is TRUE of the program?

A.It is not successful.

B.It makes math lessons more exciting. C.It makes learning math more boring.

D.It doesn't give the students a new way to learn.

58.The underlined word “calculated” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.

A.worked out B.wrote down C.threw away D.gave up

59.Caleb Deng's story serves as an example to show ________.

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