
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High


How to prepare for the first day of high school

Beginning the first day of high school can be difficult.You will need to adjust to new surroundings,new teachers and even new faces from the upper class.However,you need not worry about these changes.If you have older friends who have already attended high school,ask them about ways to deal with your first year.If you don't know these students,you can still make the transition to your new school as smooth as possible.There are a number of things you can do to make your first day of high school become a happy memory.

Schedule a visit to the school before classes start,if your high school allows this.Many schools have an introduction to help students make the transition.If you can gain access,bring your class schedule and try to find all your rooms.You can learn to walk around your new surroundings in a short amount of time and long before your first day.

Set up travel arrangements ahead of time.You may need to take a bus.Ask your parent for a ride or take the subway in order to get to high school.Make sure you have this arranged ahead of time so you'll know exactly when to leave your houses on the morning of your first day of high school.

Plan a day to go back-to-school shopping.Make a list of everything you need for each of your classes before you go.

Schedule your morning activities.Set your alarm and plan on getting up earlier than normal so that you have plenty of time to get ready.Choose the clothes you will wear before you go to bed.Any decision you can make or step you can do the night before will be one less thing to worry about in the morning.

1.adjust to 2.surroundings n. 3.transition n. 4.smooth adj. 5.schedule n.&v. 6.ahead of time

适应 环境 过渡 顺利的 安排 提前

1.What advice is mentioned in the passage to prepare for the first day of high school?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

【答案】 Ask older friends about ways to deal with the first year;Schedule a visit to the school;Set up travel arrangements ahead of time;Plan a day to go back-to-school shopping;Schedule your morning activities.

2.Do you adjust to the new surroundings?If not,what are you going to do? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 略

Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading and


根据提示写出下列单词 1.enthusiastic adj. 2.amazing adj. 3.amazed adj. 4.information n. 5.instruction n. 6.method n. 7.bored adj.


令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 吃惊的;惊讶的 信息

(常作复数)指示;说明 方法


8.embarrassed adj. 9.embarrassing adj. 10.attitude n. 11.behaviour n. 12.previous adj. 13.description n. 14.technology n. 15.impress vt. 看单词 学构词 后缀尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 态度 行为;举动 以前的;从前的 记述;描述 技术 使印象深刻

附在动词后面,构成名词,例如本节课中的instruv.指导可变成n;v.描述可变成description。其他常见的以结尾的单词还有:attraction n.吸引力;吸引;invention n.发明;relation n.关系。

根据提示补全下列短语 1.nothing like 2.by oneself 3.have fun 4.in other words 5.look forward to 6.be impressed with...

一点都不像 独立地,独自地 玩得开心 换句话说 期待,盼望 对……印象深刻


1.We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing_like_that_of the teachers at my Junior High school.

我们使用全新的教材,沈老师的教学方法与我初中老师的完全不一样。 2.I_don't_think_I will be bored in Ms Shen's class! 我认为沈老师的英语课绝对不会让我感到厌倦!

3.In other words,there are three_times_as_many_girls_as_boys. 换句话说,女生人数是男生的三倍。

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