
Unit 2 English around the world单元测验

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一、单项填空 (每题2分,共30分)

1. I like drinks, _______ tea and coffee.

A. as B. that is C. such as D. for example 2. —Oh, it?s you. I ______ you just now.

—I have just have my hair cut and I? m wearing new glasses. A. didn?t recognize B. hadn?t recognized C. haven?t recognized D. don?t recognize 3. He agreed with me. Later, __________, he changed his mind. A. but B. however C. though D. while 4. --Was the teacher strict?

-- Yes. He requested us __________ television on week nights.

A. not watch B. to not watch C. watch not D. not to watch

5. The number of people invited __________ sixty, but a number of them __________ not present for different reasons. A. was ; was B. was ; were C. were ; were D. were ; was 6. _____ I have to walk all the way, I?ll still go there.

A. Even B. Even though C. As though D. Now that 7. We should recognize that _____ you work, _____ result you?ll get . A.the harder; the better B.the more hard; the more better C.the harder; a better D.more hard; more better 8. I like all the seasons of the year, ______ the spring.

A. specially B. especially C. fortunately D. mainly 9. Why not _______ with me?

A. go to shopping B. going shopping C. goes shopping D. go shopping 10. One should speak clearly and it is the same _____ writing. A. to B. with C. as D. that

11. Many questions ______ at the meeting, but he answered none.

A. came up with B. happened C. came up D. asked

12. American English is more or less different ______ British English _______ pronunciation and spelling. A. from, in B. with, in C. from, with D. with, on 13._________ of the students who join the basketball team is 45. A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number

14. India has a very large number of English speakers. This is _______Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. A.why

B.because of C.because



15. We should _________ every minute to learn English.

A. make use B. made use of C. make use to D. make use of


So, why has English changed ___1____? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and ___2____ with each other. At first the English ___3____ in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different _____4____ the English spoken today. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became ____5_____ like German because _____6_____ ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers enriched the English language and ___7____ its vocabulary. So by the 1600?s Shakespeare was able to make use of a ___8____ vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers ____9___ to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in __10___ countries.

Finally by the 19th century the language was settled. At that time two big changes in English ____11____ happened: first Samuel Johnson wrote his dictionary and later Noah Webster wrote ?The American Dictionary of the English Language?. ____12___ gave a separate identity to American English spelling. English now is also spoken ___13___ a foreign or second language in South Asia. ……….Today the number of people ____14_____ English in China ___15____ increasing rapidly.

1. A. in time B. at time C. over time D. with time 2. A. communicate B. talk C. speak D. tell 3. A. speaking B. speaks C. spoke D. spoken 4. A. with B. from C. in D. on 5. A. little B. less C. more D. most 6. A. people B. the people C. who D. those who 7. A. especially B. specially C. especial D. special 8. A. wide B. wider C. narrow D. narrower 9. A. move B. will move C. moved D. have moved 10. A. either B. neither C. all D. both 11. A. spell B. spelling C. write D. writing 12. A. The latter B. Latter C. The later D. Later 13. A. with B. in C. as D. at

14. A. learn B. learned C. learning D. have learned 15. A. are B. is C. will be D. be


How to say hello in Japanese depends on(取决于) when you say it. This is very much like different greetings(问候语) used in English at different times of the day or night. In Japanese culture, it also depends on whether you are on the phone or meeting somebody or whether you are close to the person you are greeting. We don?t get formal with our close friends. We seldom greet them with “Good morning “ or “Good evening”. A “Hi” is enough.


Although the most popular and most well-known translation for “Hello” is still “Konnichiwa”, it is not exactly how to say hello in Japanese. It is not the most suitable word for it. Actually, the correct greeting in English for “Konnichiwa” is “Good day” or “Good noon,” and I am sure you wouldn?t like greeting people with a “Good day” at any time, and neither do Japanese like saying “Konnichiwa” when they want to say “Hello”.

So what to do? Let?s do it the way the Japanese do. Use “Ohaiyo Gozaimasu” for “Good morning”, “Konnichiwa” when it?s noon and “Konbanwa” to greet somebody in the afternoon. Things differ when you are on the phone. Just say “Moshi, Moshi”, which is actually similar to saying “Hello” over the phone, because one hardly ever uses “Good morning” or “Good evening” right after picking up the phone. Next time, I?ll tell something about my life in a Japan. 1. What is the best title for this passage?

A. How to say hello in Japanese. B. How to greet close friends in Japanese. C.How to greet people in Japanese. D.Some difference between English and Japanese. 2. Japanese people greet each other by saying“______”in the afternoon.

A.Moshi,Moshi B.Konnichiwa C.Ohaiyo Gozaimasu D.Konbanwa 3. In the writer?s opinion,______.

A.Japanese culture is similar to American culture

B.Japanese people don?t like using “Konnichiwa” as a greeting for the whole day. C. people don?t need to be police to their close friends D.Japanese people are very friendly to each other 4. Japanese people use ______ on the phone.

A. Ohaiyo Gozeimasu B.Moshi, Moshi C.Konnichiwa D.Konbanwa 5. We can learn from the passage that the writer_______.

A.is from Britain B.lived in Japan for some time C.is working in a radio station now D.knows both Japanese and Chinese

四、单词拼写 (每小题1分,共15分)

1. The child has a very large ____________(词汇量) for his age. 2. He looks honest, but ____________(实际上) he is a thief.

3. The police are trying to find out the ___________ (身份) of the man killed in the accident. 4. She spoke English with an _________(口音). 5. Things __ (逐渐地) improved. 6. This film is ____________ (根据)on facts.

7. I come from China, and Chinese is my ____________ (本土的,本族的)language. 8. We should ______ ______ ______ _____(利用好) our school library.

9. __________ _______ (由于)the heavy rain, we didn?t come to school on time this morning. 10. I'm afraid I can't help you ______ __ (目前) because I?m too busy.

11. All languages change when cultures __ __ (交流)one another. 12. _____ _ _ _ (信不信由你), there is no such thing as standard English.


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