配套K12广西南宁市西乡塘区七年级英语上册 Module 4 Healthy food Unit 3


Module 4. Healthy food

Unit 3 Language in use

学习目标: 1. 语法:1、have got的用法; 2、some与any的用法。 3. 能讨论自己喜欢的食品。 4、可数名词的复数形式

学习重点:1. 句型: have got的用法; 2、some与any的用法。 3、可数名词的复数形式 。 4. 能讨论自己喜欢的食品。 学习难点:1. 讨论自己喜欢的食品。 2. have got 的句型用法。 3、可数名词的复数形式 。

★ 自主探究 ★


可数名词单数变复数---规则变化歌诀: 可数名词变复数,六条规律要记住。一般后面加-s, sh, x, sh, ch, 后加-es。 f(e)变为v,辅后y变为i, 然后再加-es。要是以o来结尾,多数后面加-s。 以下几个特殊记,hero(英雄), potato(土豆), tomato(西红柿), 一定要加-es。 可数名词单数变复数---不规则变化歌诀: 名词复数特殊记,不规则变化看仔细。oo常要变ee (foot- feet, tooth- teeth), 男人女人a变e (man- men, woman- women); child 后加-ren (child- children), 单复数同形别忘记 (Chinese-Chinese, Japanese- Japanese, people- people, sheep- sheep, deer- deer)

★ 巩固练习 ★


1. apple _______ 2. bus ________3. box _______ 4. watch ________ 5. baby ________ 6.photo __________ 7. life _______ 8. tomato _________ 9. city ________ 10. brush_________ 11. story________ 12. zoo ___________ 二.根据汉语提示写出单词。

1. ---Have you got any tomatoes? ---Yes, I have. They’re my favourite _____________(蔬菜).



2. He likes meat. _________(牛肉) is his favourite. 3. ---Do you like _________(水果)? ---Yes, I like apples. 4. __________(面条) are my father’s favourite food.

5. They’ve got some Chinese tea and some orange ___________(果汁). 二. 完成句子:

1. 我们有一些猪肉吗? 没有。

_________ we ___________________________? No , _______________ 2. 你们有一些土豆吗? 有。

_________ you___________________________? Yes, _______________。 3. 我们的冰箱里没有胡萝卜。

We __________________________ in the fridge. 4. 鱼和蔬菜是健康的食品,但汉堡包不是。

Fish and vegetables ___________________________ healthy food. 5. 吃些水果,不要吃糖果和冰激淋。

__________ some fruit , ____________ candy __________ ice cream . 三.选词填空。从下列方框中选择合适的单词填到横线上,每空一词。 healthy parents Chinese vegetables tomatoes drinking unhealthy fruit America years My name is Tom. I’m from (1)_________. I’m fourteen (2) _________ old . I’m in China with my (3) _________ now. I like China. I like (4)_________ food, too. I eat rice and (5)_________ everyday. They are (6) _________ food. My favourite vegetables are carrots and (7)_________. I like drinking tea. My father and mother also like (8)_________ tea, too. I don’t like Coke. Coke is (9)_________ drink. I also eat noodles, fish and meat. I don’t like candy. Candy isn’t healthy food. I like fruit . Apples are my favourite (10)_________

1.__________ 2.__________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8._________ 9.._________ 10._________



★ 巩固练习 ★


( ) 1. Mike can't go to school by bike, because he ________ one.

A.doesn't B.isn't C.hasn't got D.aren't

( )2. --- How about ____ shopping?

--- OK. A. go B. to C. goes D. going ( )3. Reading in the sun is bad ____ your eyes. A. of B. at C. for D. in ( )4. How many ____ have you got?

A. bottles of orange B. bottle of orange C. bottles of oranges D. bottle of oranges ( )5. ---Have you got ____?

--- No, I haven’t.

A. some potato B. any potatoes

C. some potatoes D. any potato

( )6. I get up at six o'clock, then I ________ breakfast. A. has the B. have the C. have D. have a ( )7. The boys have ________ big dinner in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )8. —Jenny, what's your favourite ________? —I like bananas best.

A. vegetables B. fruit C. drink D. meat ( )9. Vegetables are healthy food, ________ we can eat more. A. and B. but C. so D. or

( )10. There are some ________ on the table, but there isn't any ________ on it. A. tomato; chicken B. tomato; chickens C. tomatoes; chicken D. tomatoes; chickens ( )11. There are ________ people in the room.

A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

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