江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 3 A day out(第9课时)教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

8A Unit 3 A day out(第9课时)



会使用as... as,not as...as ,会使用反身代词,后缀-ful和-less, 会用所学单词,词组,句型写一篇一日游。 二。教学重难点

会使用as... as,not as...as ,会使用反身代词,后缀-ful和-less, 会用所学单词,词组,句型写一篇一日游。 三。学习与交流

用后缀-ful. -less填空

四. 典型题例 翻译:


___________________________________________ 2. 我们学校的老师没有他们学校的多。

___________________________________________ 3.孩子们,请自己喝些牛奶。

___________________________________________ 4.我们星期天在五岛公园玩的很开心。

___________________________________________ 5.他们的房子没有我们的大。

____________________________________________ 6.有你们的支持,我们将会赢。

___________________________________________ 7.去亲眼看看吧。

____________________________________________ 8.这场比赛将在星期天举行。



一. 选择填空。(20分)

1. Mrs Li plans ______ Beijing with her cousin. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visits

2. Don't forget ______ the door when you leave. A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed

3. We became very ________ when we heard the news.


A. exciting B. excite C. excited D. more exciting

4 Please help ______ to some fish, girls. A. you B. me C. yourself D. yourselves 5. Paul always goes to the center of the city ________. A. on bike B. take a bus C. on feet D. by car

6 Those children know how to do things for_______ now. A. themselves B. herself C. them D. himself 7. They’re interesting, __________ they? A. are B. aren’t C. do D. don’t

8. Thanks for ________ the secret ________ me.

A. keep, for B. keeping, for C. keep, at D. keeping, at

9. The ticket ________ him ¥20. A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid 10. Why ________ the Temple of Heaven first?

A. don’t visit B. not visit C. don’t we D. B & C

11. —I will give you some nice picture books. —Good. The _______, the ________. A more; better B many; good C most; best D much; worse 12. —Why don’t we have a day out? —_________

A. That’s right. B You’re great. C What a good idea! D No, I don’t 13. The trip from the school _______ about half an hour by coach. It was too ________. A spends; bored B spent; boring C takes; bored D took; boring 14. How about ________ the dancing?

A. joining B. joining in C. taking part D. taking in 二。适当形式填空



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