
E&M School of WuHan University International Student Exchange Program

Application Form

1. Personal details Name Student Number Date of Birth Mobile Number Email Telephone Sex ID card number photogragh 2. Choice of exchange school Manchester Metropolitan University Business School 3. Proposed Exchange Period When do you wish to commence your exchange? Spring Semester Year Autumn Semester 4. contact details in case of emergency xt of kin name & contact details in case of emergency Name Telephone Relationship to you Mobile Email 5. Current Studies at WuHan university Program Do you study 6.Authorisation Statement I certify that the information of this application is correct. I understand that on becoming a student in this program I shall be subject to all the rules, regulations and general code of practice for students enrolled at WuHan University, the participating institution and overseas host residence in the International Exchange Program. Signature Date Class Name Full-time? Part-time? 1

武汉大学经济与管理学院 国际交换生项目申请表

1. 个人信息 姓名 学号 出生日期 照片 固定电话 性别 身份证号 移动电话 电子邮件 2. 所申请商学院名称 英国曼彻斯特城市大学商学院 Manchester Metropolitan University Business School 3.申请交换期 准备何时开始交换? 春季学期 学年 秋季学期 4. 紧急联系方式 xt of kin name & contact details in case of emergency 姓名 固定电话 与本人关系 5. 目前学习状况 项目名称 学习方式(脱产/在职) 6.申明 本人申明上述信息真实可靠。本人知晓作为该交换生项目的学员必须遵守武汉大学在校生的各项规章、制度和行为规范,以及国际交换生项目的守则、海外居住习俗。 本人签名 日期 班级名称 移动电话 电子邮件 2


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