



要求初中毕业生能够理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义;能够了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;能够根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;掌握单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的使用等。 词语运用命题特点:

近几年,河南省中考英语词语运用题,保持了应用性、探究性、综合性和时代性的特征,着重考查了学生的基础能力、综合能力和书面表达能力。词语运用题主要考查学生对知识应用的熟练程度,对语言的迁移能力和对语言信息的综合处理能力。 题材:故事、文化习俗、科普小品、体育等。


河南中考英语词语运用题考点分布表: 年份 分类 文体 词数 话题 记叙文 239 讲述了当今社会人们把太多时间放在智能手机上,却忽略真实生活中的人和事的现象 名词 代词 动词 形容词 连词 介词 副词 数词 1 / 1 / 1 1 / / 1 / 2 1 / 1 1 / / 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 记叙文 230 讲述了一种当前最受欢迎的心形手势 2 1 3 2 记叙文 204 高中的学生在奥克兰的机场卖咖啡的故事 2 1 3 / 2 1 3 2 记叙文 192 讲述了一个“以其人之道,还治其人之身”的故事 记叙文 152 迈克尔·杰克逊的经历和演唱生涯 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 记叙文 197 人生价值 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 考点分布(分值)首先要把握住短文的主旨大意,答题时除了考虑词法、句法,还要研究语篇中句子的结构、衔接和连贯等问题。







1、跳过空格,通读全文,了解大意。 2、复读全文,确定语义,判断词形。 3、利用语境,确定词形。 4、复读全文,验证答案。


________ _________ 1. 定词:

_________________________________________________________________________ 2. 变形:

a._______________________________________________________________________ b._______________________________________________________________________ c._______________________________________________________________________ d._______________________________________________________________________ e._______________________________________________________________________

一、定词 ______________________


various similar with care familiar in trouble destroy medicines depends on machines gets Today I’m going to talk about rainforests. Are you __________ with them? They’re interesting and exciting places! Many kinds of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforests.

However, rainforests are __________ now—they are disappearing very fast because they are cut down or burnt every day. As a result, __________ animals and plants are dying out. Maybe you have never been to a rainforest, so why should you protect them ___________? Rainforests are important to everyone. They are important because the plants in the rainforests make oxygen. We need oxygen to breathe.

Rainforest also help to control the weather. When trees are cut down, it _________ hotter. Besides, one quarter of our __________ come from plants. Many of these plants can be found only in rainforests. There is a lot that we have not learnt about rainforests. If we __________ them, we will never find out.

In my opinion, our future _____________ saving the rainforests. We must tell more people

how important rainforests are so that they will stop doing harm to them. We must protect the rainforests now. We have to act now to save our only home. 二、变形 ______________________

a. 动词—___________________________________________________________________

“What is the boy doing?” I asked myself and looked closely. “Oh, he is _________ (pick) up a coin from the ground.” When he ________ (stand) up, we saw each other.

I asked him if he ________ (need) some money. He replied, “No. That’s okay.”

From her sad look, Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith must ____________ (cry) for a long time. They ___________ (live) here since 2000.

There is a German proverb that says, “Friendship is a plant that must be ________ (water).” The book written by Lu Xun ________ (sell) well.

__________ (think) about the connections (联系) between words may help you to remember them. Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let’s try our best ___________ (help) them. Would you please give me as many ___________ (suggest) as possible? The window __________ (break) by Jim yesterday has been mended. Don’t you see a boy __________ (run) towards us?

b. 形容词副词—_____________________________________________________________

The shark got her left arm, and hurt her _________ (bad). Luckily, she tried her best and swam back to the land.

He felt ________ (true) sorry for what he said. This kind of coffee tastes very _________ (well).

Her little dog died yesterday. This made her very __________ (happy). A person who is __________ (honest) always tells lies.

She didn’t give up her dream of becoming a surfer, but she had to practice _________ (hard) than before.

Ma Yun, head of Alibaba, is one of _____________ (rich) persons in the world. There’s not much ____________ (different) in price between the two mobile phones.

c. 名词—___________________________________________________________________

All those foreign __________ (thief) have been caught. All parents worry about their _________ (child) success. Do you know the girl? She is a friend of my _________ (sister).

The story is really __________ (humor). It makes all of us laugh a lot. I want to learn how to eat __________ (health).

d. 数词—___________________________________________________________________

Most people speak English as a ________ (two) language.

Two ________ (five) of the students in our class are league members. They go to the library ________ (one) a week.

e. 代词—___________________________________________________________________

Mother asked the Greens to help ________ (they) to some pears. My hobby is reading comic books, what about ________(you)? There isn’t ____________ (something) wrong with the computer.

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