人教版必修5unit2学案及答案Microsoft Word 文档


(1)__________________, everything goes well. 使我们高兴的是,一切进展顺利。 (2)The boy always __________________ finding others? errors in class. 这个孩子在课堂上总是以发现别人的错误为乐。

(3)I?m ____________ meet you here.在这儿碰到你我真高兴。 7. divide...into... 把……分成 (1)Let?s divide the apples into three. (2)Children, divide the cake between you. 【归纳拓展】

divide...between/among/with... divide...by... 在……之间分担/分配/分享 用……除以…… 把……分成两部分 divide...in half (two)/into halves 【易混辨析】divide/separate

(1)divide 侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,其后常接介词into, among, between等。 (2)separate指把原来连在一起或混在一起的东西人为地分开,常与介词from搭配构 成separate...from,意为“把..和..分开(隔)”;另外也可用作不及物动词,有“离别,分手”之意。 【多维训练】用divide或separate的正确形式或搭配填空 (1)England is ____________ from France by the English Channel. (2)The teacher ___________ the class into 8 small groups. (3)He __________ the cake among the children. (4)The child?s parents have ___________.

(5)We ______ the work _________ us.我们分担这项工作。 (6)30 ____________ 6 is 5. 30 除以6等于5。 8. leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑 (1)Which country is left out? (2)Leave the boy alone; he can make up his own mind. (3)We will leave for the airport at a quarter past five. 【归纳拓展】

leave alone___________________ leave aside ___________________ leave behind __________________ leave for (=go off to) _________________ 【多维训练】用适当的介、副词或形容词填空

(1)Can you tell me the time? I?ve left my watch __________. (2)She left ______ an important detail in her account. (3)Don?t you think we?ll leave ______ the concert now?

(4)A railway station is no place for a child to be left ______ at night. 9. take the place of (=replace) 代替,替换

(1)Sending e-mail has almost taken the place of writing letters. (2)She couldn?t attend the meeting, so her assistant took her place. (3)What would you do if you were in my place? (4)I felt out of place among the foreigners. 【归纳拓展】

_______________ (事情)发生,产生;举办,举行 take one?s place(s) _______________ in place of ______________ in place _________________ out of place______________ in the first place 最初,首先,第一 【多维训练】用place的相关短语填空

(1)I?ll _________ my father to run the company./__________to run the company. 我将代替我父亲管理公司。

(2)Mr Li is ill, so I?ll _______him to give you lessons./give you lessons _______ him. 李老师生病了,因此我替代他给你们上课。

(3)I can?t go to the meeting myself, so Mary will ______________. 我不能亲自出席会议,因此玛丽将替代我。

(4)Their wedding will ____________ next month. 他们下个月举行婚礼。 (5)Please put the book _________. 请把书放在原处。

10. break down?机器出故障;谈判、计划等失败;打破;化学分解;身体垮掉 【归纳拓展】

break in 破门而入;打断 break out ____________________ ______________ 闯入;突然…起来(后接 tears, laughter等) ____________折断,打断;突然停止讲话;休息;断绝;结束 break through _________ _________拆开,结束;解散;放假 break away from_________ 【多维训练】

(1)写出下列句子中break down的汉语意思

①The car broke down on the way to the airport. ______________________ ②The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached. __________________ ③Your health will break down if you work too hard. ______________________ ④Plastic bags are difficult to break down. ______________________ (2)短语填空

break down,break through,break into,break away from,break up ①His car _______________ on his way to work yesterday. ②His house _______________ last night.

③The thief _______________ the policeman and ran away. ④What if you _______________ with your partner?

⑤Scientists think they are beginning to _______________ in the fight against cancer.

Part 2 重点句型

1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士也是包括在内的。 句型公式:find+宾语+宾语补足语 【典例】

(1)Finding the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level. 发现这门课程很难,她决定转向较低水准的课程。

(2)We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition. 我们吃惊地发现那座庙仍然保持着原来的状况。 【归纳拓展】

find在句中接复合宾语,宾语是Wales,宾语补足语是included,宾语补足语和宾语之间构成被动关系。能作宾补的可以是名词、代词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语等。 【多维训练】单句语法填空 ①When he arrived, he found all the work already ___________________ (finish). ②When she woke up, she found herself ___________________ (lie) in hospital. ③We find the story very ___________________ (interest).

2.It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors 很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。

句型分析:It is a pity that…是一个常见句型,意思是“很遗慨,……?。其中it为 形式主语真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句。 【典例】

(1)It’s a pity that he didn?t accept the job. (2)It is natural that she should cry.

(3)It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing. (4)It appears that he doesn?t like fixing work hours. 【归纳拓展】

it作形式主语后接主语从句的常见结构: It is + n. (a pity\\surprise\\wonder…) that It is + adj. (amazing\\ surprising\\wonderful…) that It is + v.-ed (said\\reported\\believed…) that It seems\\happens\\appears\\matters…that



_____________________________________________________________________ (2)好像谁也不知道这件事情。

_____________________________________________________________________ (3)物价有可能要下降。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. (教材P14)

由于担心可用的时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想要在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。 句型分析:worried about...为过去分词短语作状语,表原因;相当于一个原因状

语从句“As she was worried about the time available ”. 过去分词做状语时与句子的主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,用来表示句子发生的时间、让步、条件、方式和伴随。


(1)Seen from space, the earth looks like a blue ball. (2)Deeply moved by the story, the girl began to cry. 【多维训练】

(1)______________ such a difficult situation, we don?t know what to do. (face) 面对这样困难的形势,我们不知道该怎么做。

(2)___________at the final result, he had no mood to join us in the game. (disappoint) 对结果感到失望,他没心情参加比赛。

4. There followed St. Paul’s Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. 接着参观的是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1666年伦敦大火之后修建的。

句型分析:There followed 属于“there be 句型”的变体,是倒装句,可用于这个 句型的常见动词有 “exist, happen, come, go, follow, remain, lie, stand, sit, live”等不及物动词. 【典例】

(1)There stands a tree in front of the house. (2)There lived a great thinker in Greece. 【多维训练】

1). There _______ (有)nobody in the classroom. 2). There _________(发生)an event last week. 3). There ________ (有)a temple long time ago. 4). There _______ the bell. 铃响了

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