



(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)


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第 I 卷

第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分) 第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


A This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing

and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.

To use your dictionary correctly, you will find two spellings for this word. “Colour” is used in British English, while “color” is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the word “BrE” for British English and “AmE” for American English.

The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. If you turn to the inside back

face, you will see all the phonetic letters (音标) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just look at the inside back cover when you're not sure how to say a word. The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word—its definition. In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2,000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simple and easy to understand.

21.The AmE spelling of the Chinese word “颜色” in this dictionary is ________.

A.color B.colour C.colar D.corler

22.The phonetic letters help you ________ each word correctly. 中小学最新教育资料


A.understand B.say C.write D.know 23.The Chinese meaning of “definition” here is ________. A.词性 B.词条 C.词义 D.词库


A beggar followed a lady and asked her for some money. She refused, so he turned away sadly and said he must do what he had made up his mind to do.

At this word, the lady was greatly frightened for she was afraid for her life. So she called him back and gave him a dollar. The beggar took the money, put it into his pocket and thanked her a great deal. “You have saved me from a horrible fate,” he said. The lady asked him what he meant. The beggar replied, “Madame, I have been begging all day, but only you have taken pity on me. Without this dollar you gave to me, I should have had to go to work now.”

24. Before meeting the lady, the beggar ________.

A. had received some dollars already B. had been thinking of taking his own life C. had acted as if he was looking for a job D. had received no money for that day 25. If the woman had understood the beggar’s words correctly, she would probably _____. A. have gone away without giving him any money B. have offered him some work C. have given him one more dollar D. have persuaded him to give up begging 26. In the story, “a horrible fate” means _______

A. to beg B. to live a hard life C. to die D. to go to work 27. The best headline(标题) for the story is ______. A. How to Beg B. Money before Everything C. Anything except Work D. Work for Money


Richard Rudd was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to always remind him about his appointments, his classes, even his meals! Since Rudd was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness often caused him a lot of trouble. It wasn’t that he was unintelligent. He was just very, very absent-minded.

One hot summer day, Professor Rudd decided to take his children to the beach. The seaside town he planned to visit was about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. Unfortunately, by the time Rudd had arrived at the train station, the poor forgetful man had forgotten



the name of the town. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Rudd went back home to find out where he was going.

The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon, but she was amused when she heard what was the matter. She distrusted his memory, so she wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper. Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house again. What was the matter now? The professor had forgotten where he had left his children. 28. Which statement is TRUE?

A. Richard was so forgetful that he couldn't teach his students. B. Though he was clever, Richard was very absent-minded. C. Richard had a lot of trouble because he was unintelligent. D. Richard was a trouble-maker.

29. He kept the name of the town a secret because __________. A. he wanted to add more fun to the trip B. he didn’t know the name of the town at all C. he thought to keep a secret was interesting D. he wanted to give his wife a surprise

30. Richard’s wife _____ his memory, so she wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper. A. did believe in B. had no belief in C. didn’t belief in D. didn’t believe 31. Which statement is TRUE?

A. He didn’t know where to go at all.

B. It took them three hours to get to that seaside town by train. C. After he got on the train Richard forgot the name of the town. D. One of his children knew which town they would go to.


Earthquake safety tips

On April 14, 2010, a big earthquake hit Yushu, Qinghai. Over 2,000 people died. Many people were hurt. Why are there earthquakes?

The surface of the Earth has many pieces. These pieces are always moving. When two pieces move past each other, there is an earthquake. Scientist are working hard to find out more about earthquakes. They try to predict (预测) them, but it's very hard.

Do you know how to get ready for an earthquake? Do you know what to do during an earthquake? Here are some things you should know. What to do before an earthquake:

Make sure you have two bottles of water, a packet of biscuits (饼干), a clean towel (毛巾), a few band-aids (创口贴), a radio and a flashlight (电筒) at home. What to do during an earthquake if you are inside:

★ Stay where you are. Quickly move under a strong desk, or along a wall. This will 中小学最新教育资料


protect you from falling things. ★ Don't stand near windows. ★ Turn off the lights.

★ Don't get into a lift(电梯) during an earthquake. If you are in a lift, get out as quickly as possible.

What to do if you are outside:

★ Don't stand near buildings. Things may fall on you. ★ Lie on the ground until the shaking stops. 32. An earthquake hit Yushu ________.

A. on April 14, 2010 B. on April 12, 2010 C. on May 14, 2010 D. on May 12, 2010 33. You need ________ at home before an earthquake.

A. some water and biscuits B. a clean towel and a few band-aids C. a radio and a flashlight D. all of the things above 34. You must protect yourself in an earthquake by ________. A. standing near the window B. getting into a lift C. keeping you from falling things D. turning on the lights 35. The reason why an earthquake happens is that ________. A. the surface of the earth is thin

B. the pieces of the surface are moving slowly C. there are too many people on the earth D. two pieces of the surface move past each other 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。 E

The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music. Other people don’t . 36_____________

Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket(板球运动)is a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. 37_____________

Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. 38____________ Some people do not like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.

39____________ Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.

Many people like travelling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country. They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities because 中小学最新教育资料


they like shopping.40__________

What do you like ? Have you got an idea ? A. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.

B. Other people enjoy beautiful places as they like the mountains or beaches. C. Millions of people watch the games on TV. D. Different people like different kinds of pets. E. They like soft music.

F. So they don’t raise pigs in their countries. G. Not everyone likes the same color.



阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the__41__300 years, there were__42__many changes in__43__places that now people can__44__tell an English person__45__an American in the way he or she talks. Many old words__46__in Britain, but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a “faucet”,a “spigot” or a “tap”. All these words are__47__heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in__48__. Americans often made up new words or changed old__49__. “Corn” is one kind of plant in America but__50__in Britain. Also, over the last three centuries the English language__51__ thousands of new words for things that weren't known__52__. And often, American and British people used two__53__names for one thing. A tin-can is called “tin” for short in Britain, but a “can” in America.

The word “radio” is__54__all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do_55__cars, railroads, etc. __56__different names in British and American English. But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One_57__is the large amount of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on televisions, or__58__travellers. __59__this, Americans seem to be influencing(影响 ) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be__60__on both sides of the Atlantic.

41.A. last B.recent C.oldest D. following 42.A. such B.too C.so D.great 43.A. both B.either C.neither D.two

44.A. hardly B.differently C.clearly D.easily 45.A. with B.from C.to D.by

46.A. disappeared B.remained C.spoken D.were spoken 47.A. already B.hardly C.yet D.still 中小学最新教育资料

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