

得 分 评卷人 得 分 评卷人 装----------------- 座位号


(总分:120分 时间:120分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 合计 分数

Ⅰ、书写 ( 15分 )

1. 写出五个元音字母的大小写形式.( 5分 )

2. 写出第十到十九个英文字母的大小写. ( 10分 )

Ⅱ、词汇 (20分 ) A) 词形转换 (6分)

1. are not(缩写) 2. his(人称代词宾格) 3. sister(对应词) 4. black(反义词) 5. it (复数) 6. she(名词性物主代词) B) 英汉互译 ( 6分 )

1. How are you? 2. CCTV 3. 一个橙子 4. 他的姓氏 5. 过的愉快! 6. in English C)根据句意及首字母提示完成句子. ( 8分 )

1.-Good m , Alice! -Good morning , Cindy! 2.-How are you? -I'm fine , t . 3.-What c is it ? -It's red . 4.-S it , please . - K-E-Y. 5. Four and three is s .

6. My p number is 728-4928 . 7. Her f name is Mary .

8. My mother's mother is my g .

Ⅲ、选择填空 (25分 )

( )1.英语中共有 个字母,其中 个元音字母。

A. 26, 20 B. 26, 5 C. 48, 5 D. 44,20

( )2. 字母“ Aa” 和 字母 “ ”具有相同的音素。

A. Bb B. Hh C. Cc D. Ee

( )3.中号的缩写是 。

A. L B. S C. M D. X

( )4.下午你在学校门口遇到老师,你应该说 。

A.Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening D./ ( )5.–Hi! I Grace. -Hi! My name Tony.

A. am ; am B. am; is C. is ; am D. am ; are

( )6.This is _______ UFO.

A. a B. an C. The D. /

( )7. — What’s this? — .

A. This is “M”. B. I'm “c”. C.It's “F” . D. It's orange.

( )8. --- Your map is very nice. --- __________.

A. Thanks you B. Thank C. Thank you D. That’s OK

( )9. ---Mom, this is my friend, Bob. --- ___________

A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. OK. D. Good morning.

( )10. ---Can you spell his name? ---___________.

A. Yes, his name is Jim. B. J-I-M, jim.

C. No, I'm not. D. Yes, T-O-M. Tom.

( ) 11. ---________ is that quilt? —It's black.

A..How color B.What color C.What’s color D What’s

( ) 12.如果你想提高英语,你可以收听______的节目。


得 分 ( ) 13. ____________ those your _____________? 评卷人 A. Are, apple B. Is, apple C. Is, apples Are apples

( ) 14. ---Look, what’s that in English? ---It's an __________.

A. English books B. car C.apple D. quilt

( ) 15. Her name is Gina Green. Her last name is __________.

A. Gina B. green C. Gina Green D. Green

( ) 16. --- Is this your uncle's book?

--- Yes, __________.

A. he is B. she is C. it is D. this is

( ) 17. —What are those? —____ are cakes.

A. That B. These C. It D. They

( ) 18. —What's that _______ English? —It's a desk.

A. from B. to C. in D. /

( ) 19. —________ is she? —She's fine.

A. How old B. How C. Where D. What

( ) 20. —Is her name Kate? —_________

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Yes, it's. D. No, it isn't.

( )21. Tom is _____brother.

A.he B.her C.she D.you

( ) 22. Are these your brothers?

A. Yes, these are. B. No, they are. C. No, they aren't D.Yes, they aren't

( ) 23.These are my_________.

D. A.parent B.grandparent C.sister D.friends

( ) 24.I have ___ uncle and ____aunt.

A.a,a B.an,an C.an,a D.a,an

( ) 25This______my sister and those ______my parents. A.is,is B.is,are C.are,is D.are,are

Ⅳ、口语交际 (10分)

(A) (B)

( )⒈ Good morning! A. Bye! ( )⒉ How are you? B. Nice to meet you, too. ( )⒊ Sit down, please! C. Thank you. ( )⒋ Nice to meet you! D. Morning. ( )⒌ Goodbye! E. Fine. Thanks. Ⅴ、完形填空。( 10 分 ) This 1 our new teacher. 2 name is Jenny Brown. Brown is her 3 name, Jenny is her 4 name. She is 5 . She give me(给我) 6 apple, the apple is 7 . 8 name 9 Lily. I’m a 10 . ( ) First name Last name Telephone number 1 .A. be Jack Brown 299-2321 B. is Eric Smith 551-1567 C. am Alice Smith 660-5117 ( ) 2. Linda Green 299-2312 A. She B.

He C. Her

( ) 3.A.first B. last C. farther ( ) 4.A.one B. first C. a ( ) 5. A. good B. well C. bad ( ) 6.A.a B./ C. an ( ) 7. A. blue B. red C. brown

( ) 8. A. His B. Her C. My ( ) 9. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 10. A. book B.boy C . girl


得 分

评卷人 (A)

Hello! My name is Joy. I’m a girl. I’m eleven. I’m in Class Eight, Grade Seven. This

is my friend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Who’s that? Oh, she’s my mom. She’s a Chinese(语文, 中文) teacher. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. ____ is in Class Eight, Grade Seven. 得 分 A. Joan B. John C. Joy D. Joe

评卷人 ( ) 2. Joan is Joy’s (乔伊的)____.

A. teacher B. friend C. student (学生) D.

mom ( ) 3. Joan is ____. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen

( ) 4. Joy’s English teacher is ____.

A. Miss White B. Miss Green C. Joy’s mom D. Joan ( ) 5. Joy’s mother is ____. A. an English teacher B. a friend C. a student D. a Chinese teacher


得 分

评卷人 ( )6. Brown is family name.

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