

Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你听到的内容,选择正确应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )1.A. He was strict. ( )2.A. Yes, she has. ( )3.A. Here you are. ( )4.A. For two hours. ( )5.A. Great idea.

B. Mr. Liu.

C. In Grade 7. C. A free trip. C. No, she can’t. C. On June 28th. C. She was patient.

B. No, she isn’t.

B. She likes dancing. B. In the playground. B. Last month.

Ⅱ.对话理解 根据你听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍(共10分,每题1分) ( )6.Where is Kate’s classroom now?

A. On the first floor.

( )7.What club is Anna in?

A. The chess club.

B. The tennis club.

C. The English club.

( )8.What does Jack’s first English teacher look like?

A. She is tall and thin. B. She is short and thin. C. She wears glasses.

( )9.Where does the girl have lunch on school days?

A. At home.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In the school dining hall. C. On the desk.

B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor.

( )10.Where is Peter’s new hall.

A. On the school bus. B. In his schoolbag.

听下面一段长对话,回答11-12两个小题。 ( )11.When did Bob have a school trip?

A. During the first term in Grade 8. C. During the first term in Grade 9.

( )12.Where did Bob go on the school trip?

A. To a farm.

B. To a museum.

C. To a park.

B. During the second term in Grade8


( )13.What do the speakers want to watch tonight?

A. A talent show.

B. A talk show.

C. A game show. B. He is very friendly.

( )14.What does the girl think of Mr. Wu?

A. He is kind of boring. C. He is very patient.

( )15.What does Tom want to do first?

A. To play tennis. 每小题1分)

( )16.Where does Sally probably work according to the letter?

A. In a factory.

B. At a radio station.

C. In a bank.

B. To take a shower.

C. To do his homework.

Ⅲ.短文理解 根据你听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(共5分,


( )17.How old is Mike?

A. Fifteen.

B. Fourteen.

C. Eleven.

( )18.What is mike’s hobby?

A. Listening to hobby? B. Collecting postcards. C. Watching TV.

( )19.What do Mike’s parents think of Mike’s hobby?

A. Important.

B. Useful.

C. Boring.

( )20.What do Mike’s parents ask Mike to do in his free time?

A. To play the violin. B. To collect postcards. C. To play with his friends.



( ) 21. ---Who's _______ man in black, do you know? ---Oh, he's _______ friend of John’s.

A. the; a

B. an; the

C. a; the D. the; an

( ) 22. ---How do you find your new classmates?

---Most of them are kind, but________is so good to me as Bruce. A. none B. nothing C. everyone

D. anyone

( ) 23. It is really terrible _______me to wait for a long time________a rainy night.

A. of;on B. of;at C. for;on D. for;at

( ) 24. Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We all take________in her.

A. proud B. pride countries along. A. put up

B. set up C. take up D. open up

( ) 26. ---It’s reported that some famous singers will give a performance in Rizhao.

---Wow, ! A. how exciting news

B. what exciting news

D. how excited the news is

C. what an excited news

C. praise D. care

( ) 25. “One Belt(带),One Road” will serve to________markets for China as well as other

( ) 27. Rather than ________to school on a bus, I preferred ________a bike.

A. to go; to ride B. go; riding C. going; to ride D. go; to ride

( ) 28. ---Our school football team won the final match this morning.

---________! It's great news.

A. My pleasure B. Good idea C. How exciting

( ) 29. --- Sir! No photos here! --- Sorry! I _________ the sign.

A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. won’t see

D. Good luck


( ) 30. This morning my mother asked me________.

A. why he is not here B. where Julia went last weekend C. what time is it D. how did my brother do it



Just ten years ago, Oscar, a common dog was one day away from being enthanized(安乐死) in the SPCA, an organization which helped pets find owners. Today he is a famous 31 by becoming the first dog who has travelled 200,000 km around the world.

Oscar’s story 32 in 2004 in the SPCA in South Africa. The organization failed to find a suitable(合适的) 33 for the weak and sick dog, so people decided to help him die 34 .A woman named Joanne Lefson saved him.

She wasn’t wrong. Oscar had been such a(n) 35 pet, and Joanne wanted to show him off to 36 people that dogs in the SPCA were not weak or sick, and could be a perfect pet. Maybe they also needed to go through a trip of bad luck 37 humans.

In 2009, the two set off on their tour with a clear purpose(目的) --- try to 38 homes for all the dogs that live in the SPCA. In the last three years, they have 39 many places all around the world. So far, the 40 dog has gone for “walks” on the Great Wall of China 41 also has visited some of the world’s most 42 places like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Statue of Liberty in New York, and the Sphinx in Egypt.

Joanne 43 her house to pay for her dream. She said that her “dog saving program” was everything of her life. So even there is lots of 44 during their journey, they will still never give up and 45 on helping other dogs. 31. A. traveller B. artist 32. A. meant 34. A. bravely

B. ended B. suddenly

C. director C. began

D. worker D. opened

33. A. park B. home C. shop D. hospital

C. willingly D. peacefully

35. A. amazing B. awful C. boring D. interesting 36. A. warn B. tell C. encourage D. ask 37. A. like B. unlike C. as 38. A. repair B. find C. build

D. different from D. get

39. A. managed B. left C. watched D. visited 40. A. happy B. funny C. lucky D. old 41. A. and 43. A. cleaned

B. yet C. so

D. but

42. A. free B famous C. creative D. special

B. bought C. sold D. chose

44. A. fun B. sadness C. experience D. difficulty


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