【2018-2019】英语作文专项练习题四级备考资料word版本 (1页)



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Directions: Write a composition about Life at College according to the outline bdow. You should write at least 120 words. 1.很多大学生在入学后逐渐失去了 学习 的兴趣:

2.大学阶段的学习是为了提高白己的各项能力,而不是单纯获得一纸文凭: 3.应当 怎样 度过大学时光。 Life at College

There is a tendency among many young people that they work very hard in their studies before they enter universties. But once they are admitted to universities or colleges, they no longer show much interest in their studies. They become indulged in doing some meaningless things, simply wasting their time.

It seems that for them the only purpose to go to universty is to get a diploma, which they think will mean success for them in the future. As a matter of fact, whats im portant for a college student is not only to get a diploma, but also to receive higher education so as to be competent for the tasks that will be assigned to him. Therefore, those who tend to take things easy are advised to take serious attitude towards their studies at universities or colleges, otherwise they will have an unsuccessful career. [ 英语 作文专项练习题四级备考资料 ]相关文章:

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