
1. I can search__________ a lot of things.

2. We can send greetings_____________ our friends. 3. You can find ____________ about countries. 4. What can we do __________ the computers?

审学: 练练 改改


1. search for________________ 2. find out about__________________ 3. learn drawing_______________

4. play computer games_________________ 二、单项选择。

( )1、It is not good _________ your eyes. A. to B. for C. With

( )2、Don’t play computer games _________ often. A. to B. too C. Two

( )3、Peter’s father bought __________ a computer for _________birthday. A. him, he B. he, his C. him, his ( )4、----What’s Peter doing on his computer? ----____________

A. He could collect some photos. B. He can collect some photos. C. He’s collecting some photos.


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment I


一、词汇:during, holiday, learn, practise, speak, always, weekday,often, after, wave, return, sometimes, never, search, find out about, world, email, send, greeting 二、句型:1. I read many books during the holidays.假期期间我读了很多书。 2. Katie always gets up early. 凯蒂总是很早起床。

3. Her family often has breakfast at 6:45a.m.她的家人常常在早上六点四十五吃早餐。

4. We can email our friends. 我们可以给朋友们发电子邮件。 三、语法:复习一至三单元已学的语法知识,




( )1、A.常常 B.有时 C.从不 ( )2、A.世界 B.工作 C.为什么 ( )3、A.听 B.说 C.写

( )4、A.在.......之间 B.在.......之前 C.在......之后 ( )5、A.平日 B.周末 C. 一周

二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。 ( )1、A. I read many books.

B. I visited my grandparents.

( )2、A. Lingling always gets up at 7:00a.m. B. Lingling often gets up at 7:00a.m. ( )3、A. We can email each other.

B. We can send greetings to our friends. ( )4、A. What did you learn? B. What did you read? 笔试:


1. computer like my I (.)

______________________________________________ 2. try now Let’s it (!)

______________________________________________ 3. email We can friends our

______________________________________________ 二、根据汉语意思补全句子。(首字母已给出) 1、它很快。

It’s very f_______.


I saw a________ i______________ b_________ in a book yesterday. 3、现在你可以查找许多关于它的信息。

Now you can s_________ f__________ a lot of things a_________ it.


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.

【学习目标】 一、词汇:the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节,nearby附近的, centre中心,mooncake月饼,type类型,lotus莲花,seed种子,bean豆子,taste尝


二、句型:I enjoy eating mooncakes.我很喜欢吃月饼。 I enjoy looking at the moon.我很喜欢赏月。 三、语法:enjoy的用法

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

1. red bean________________ 2. lotus seed_______________

3. shopping centre________________

4. the Mid-Autumn Festival_______________ 【试说试练】

模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 I enjoy.......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

enjoy意为“喜欢”,后接动词的ing形式 练习题:仿照例句写句子。

例:I enjoy eating mooncakes. ( eat mooncakes)

1. _______________________________________ (drink tea)

2. _______________________________________ (listen to music) 3. _______________________________________ (read storybooks)

审学: 练练 改改 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is _________ (come). 2. This mooncake _________ (taste) good.

3. I enjoy _________(read) poems when _________(look) at the moon. 4. There __________(be) many mooncakes in the shopping centre. 二、写出下列单词的过去式形式。

1. open_________ 2. enjoy__________ 3. get__________ 4. put_____________ 5. cut___________ 6. are___________


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.



一、词汇:forecast预报,clear晴朗的,light轻柔的;微弱的,rain雨;下雨,heavy大量的;重的,weather cast天气预报,light rain小雨,heavy rain大雨,suuny and warm晴朗又温暖,sunny and cool晴朗又凉爽,strong wind强风,light snow小雪

二、句型:It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.明天将是晴朗又温暖。 There will be a light rain tomorrow.明天有小雨。 三、语法:一般将来时

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1、e c a l r _________________( ) 2、t i l h g _______________( ) 3、v e y a h ______________( )

4、f c s t a e o r _________________( )


模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 It will be sunny tomorrow. There will be sunny and warm.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】 一般将来时:

1、概念:一般将来时表示将来发生的事情。在句子中常有tomorrow明天,next year明年等表示将来时间的词汇。 2、结构:

(1)will + 动词原形 (will的意思是“将会”) 例如:I will go to Kaili tomorrow.明天我将去凯里。 注意:will的否定形式:will not =won’t 不会

例如:I will not go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天我不会去凯里。 或:I won’t go to Kaili tomorrow.

(2)be going to + 动词原形 意思的“将要做.....打算做.....” 例如:I am going to go to Kaili tomorrow.明天我打算去凯里。 He is going to go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天他打算去凯里。 We are going to go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天我们打算去凯里。 注意:否定形式:be not going to + 动词原形


will will be 1. Tomorrow ___________ clear in Beijing. 2. It __________ rain tomorrow.

it there


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