


学生姓名 学 号 所 在 系 专业名称 班 级 指导教师

郑旺明 2008104058 电子工程系


2008级2班 胡迎刚




摘 要


关键词:可编程逻辑器件 VGA 图像控制器

1 基于FPGA的VGA图像显示控制器设计


This paper introduces a kind of make use of the programmable logic devices realize VGA images show control method, and expounds the VGA images show controller VGA imaging the basic principle and the demo function, using the programmable device FPGA design VGA images show the control design VHDL, Altera company in the QuartusII software environment complete VGA module design. Given the VGA module, the design idea and top logic diagram. Finally realize the VGA image display controller, VGA image controller is a larger number system, the traditional image shows the method is in the image data transmission to the computer, and through the screen shows in the transmission process, the image data CPU requires constant signal control, therefore creates CPU resources waste, the system also need to rely on the computer, thus reducing the flexibility of the system. FPGA chip and EDA design method of use, can according to customer demand, designed to provide targeted VGA display controller, don't need to rely on the computer, it can greatly reduce the cost, and can satisfy the production practice changing needs, product upgrading and convenient quickly.

Keywords: Programmable logic devices VGA Image controller

2 基于FPGA的VGA图像显示控制器设计

目 录

前 言 .................................................................... 5 第1章 VGA概述 .......................................................... 6

1.1 VGA显示技术的发展概况 ...................................................... 6

1.2 VGA显示接口 ................................................................ 7 1.3 VGA显示原理 ................................................................ 8 1.4 VGA时序 ................................................................... 10

第2章 FPGA简介及设计流程 .............................................. 13 2.1 FPGA简介 ....................................................... 13 2.2 FPGA设计流程 ................................................... 14 2.3 VHDL简介 ....................................................... 16 2.4 Quartus II简介 ................................................. 17 第3章 设计方案 ........................................................ 19

3.1 设计的主要内容 .................................................. 19 3.2 设计原理 ........................................................ 19 第4章 系统实现 ........................................................ 21

4.1 VGA显示控制模块 ................................................ 21 4.2 imgrom(图像数据ROM) ............................................ 24

4.2.1 图像原理 .................................................. 24 4.2.2 具体实现步骤 .............................................. 25 4.3 二分频模块 ...................................................... 28 4.4 地址发生器模块 .................................................. 29 4.5 顶层设计 ........................................................ 29 4.6 设计结果 ........................................................ 31 第5章 结束语 .......................................................... 33 附 录 ................................................................... 35 显示扫描模块代码 ........................................................ 35 二分频器模块代码 ........................................................ 36 地址发生器模块代码 ...................................................... 37 参考文献 ................................................................ 38

3 基于FPGA的VGA图像显示控制器设计


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