配套K122016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(13)




Passage 1 University Can Wait

I was on my way to the library to do some studying for history class. That’s when I saw my friend and her family __41__ on doors.

As I was standing __42__ one house, my friend’s brother walked past me and went to the door of the house. When the resident __43__ I heard him say, “Excuse me, I am __44__ money for my mom. She needs to have __45__ but we don’t have enough money. Could you please __46__ with a donation?”

The lady gave him some __47__ and he said, “Thank you so much! God bless you.” Then he walked on to the next house.

I could see he didn’t have much and I also saw he had been __48__.

__49__ going to the library, I went to the bank. I told him I wanted to __50__ all my savings. The lady in the bank said to me, “But, sweetie, I thought you were going to use that money to go to __51__.” I told her something else __52__ so she gave me the money. Then I walked to my friend’s house.

They had only raised nine hundred and sixty-two dollars, which wasn’t __53__ a quarter of what they needed. I told my friend to __54__ my money. When she saw it she __55__ straight away it was my university money.

The idea of going to university had been a very __56__ one for me — __57__ I got accepted—but she needed the money more than I did. It was this __58__ of money that could save her mother’s life.

I hope all goes well for her and her family. My love and __59__ go out to them. Leo Tolstoy once said “Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than permanent__60__.” 41. A. meeting 42. A. inside 43. A. replied 44. A. raising 45. A. health 46. A. provide 47. A. advice 48. A. laughing 50. A. deposit

B. waiting

C. knocking

D. quarreling D. outside

D. answered D. making

B. above C. behind

B. understand C. opened B. accumulating C. increasing B. surgery B. help C. deal B. medicine C. coins

B. begging

C. examination D. break

D. compete

D. food

D. Except for

C. thinking D. crying

D. collect

49. A. Instead of B. Regardless of C. Other than

B. donate

C. withdraw

51. A. university B. company C. theatre 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

D. work

小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 52. A. held up 53. A. even 54. A. return 55. A. received

B. came up

C. put up

C. still C. take

D. took up

D. ever D. pay D. admitted

D. realistic

D. assuming

D. sum D. stories

B. already

B. consider

B. refused

C. realized

56. A. disappointing B. depressing C. appealing 57. A. assessing B. advocating C. appointing 58. A. kind

B. item

C. share C. ideas

59. A. imagination B. prayers 60. A. honesty

B. kindness C. responsibility D. courage

Passage 1:41-45 CDDAB 46-50 BCDAC 51-55 ABACC 56-60 CDDBB

Passage 2

Last week we received a call from a dear friend, Karen. Karen is the mother of three children—a pair of 1-year-old twin boys and one 21 three- year-old “big sister” named Amanda.

It seems that Amanda has been a good girl all year and all she wanted for 22 was the Barney Banjo (班卓琴). Her mother had called all the stores in their area, but no 23 . Her mother had also visited dozens of Internet sites 24 the magic banjo, but still couldn’t find any. Karen then began asking all her friends to 25 . A local store flyer (传单)was advertising them, so we 26 it. After we entered the store, I looked up and down the toy shelves. Although the Barney Banjo had been 27 in the flyer, I could not find any. Then, a clerk came holding a Barney Banjo and 28 it directly to me without saying a word. I 29 her name tag (标签) said, “Karen”.

My wife Susan and I went up to 30 it and all the clerks looked at us with 31 , asking us where we found the Barney Banjo. They said the Barney Banjo had been out of 32 for days.

Then things became very 33 . Not only did the clerks claim they had run out of the product, but they also looked 34 when we mentioned “Karen”, who gave me the Banjo. The clerks didn’t have the 35 idea who that lady was.

We 36 called our friend Karen and told her the good news 37 she would not have to tell her daughter that Santa could not 38 her a banjo this year. Karen was so happy. We could 39 her smile through the phone lines. When we told her the story about the clerk named Karen that no one else 40 , she started to cry. She believed it very well might be a Christmas angel. 21. A. busy B. curious C. careful 22. A. Easter B. Halloween 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

D. delightful

C. Thanksgiving D. Christmas

小学+初中+高中+努力=大学 23. A. problem

B. luck C. time

D. fun

D. in support of

D. buy

24. A. in search of B. in need of C. in honor of 25. A. follow B. help

C. come

26. A. thought of B. talked about C. came across D. headed for 27. A. chosen B. sold C. advertised D. described 28. A. presented

B. recommended C. returned D. connected

D. wrap

D. embarrassment D. sight

29. A. admitted B. believed C. realized D. noticed 30. A. mail B. purchase C. check 31. A. disbelief

B. anger

32. A. date B. control C. stock 33. A. simple B. dangerous 35. A. slightest 36. A. patiently

C. fear

C. mysterious D. ridiculous

34. A. ashamed B. puzzled C. annoyed D. discouraged

B. best C. wildest D. strangest B. hopefully

C. nervously

D. excitedly D. now that

C. so that

37. A. even if B. as if 39. A. enjoy

38. A. get B. make C. lend

B. feel C. see

40. A. expected B. welcomed C. forgot

D. promise D. remember D. knew

Passage 2:21-25 DDBAB 26-30 DCADB 31-35 ACCBA 36-40 DCABD

Passage 3

To being or not to being

A few weeks after arriving in China I received an e-mail informing us foreigners how to look after ourselves in summer, including a warning not to eat cold foods. Why are cold foods 41 ? According to traditional Chinese medical beliefs, cold food should be avoided in summer in case one 42 a \to me a bit 43 a cocktail you might drink at a pool party.

The idea of food being linked to well-being is hardly 44 to China. But in the West we think 45 of the rules of what is and isn't good for you. It seems each week there is a new study praising the 46 of tomatoes or claiming animal fats are bad for you. The next week another expert will swear you should 47 away from tomatoes and eat more pork belly. The 48 thing to do is to pay attention to the ones you agree with and 49 the ones you don't, eventually 50 a strict diet of dark chocolate and red wine.

In China, however, there is a range of 51 beliefs about food and how 52 you eat impacts your health. There is 53 a saying - a good 54 should first be a good chef. To an outsider, these rules can seem a little strange, and 55 most of the reasons 小学+初中+高中+努力=大学

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