


第一章 字母发音突破




26个字母、26个单词、26个句子,疯狂模仿,发音必会产生飞跃! A的读音为IPA: [??] I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.

K.K: [?] 恐怕您搞错了。

B的读音为IPA: [???] I won’t be able to finish my work.

K.K:[??] 我不能完成工作了。

C的读音为 IPA:[???] I don’t see what you mean.

K.K[??] 我不懂你的意思。

D的读音为IPA[???] I’ve heard a great deal about you.

K.K[??] 久仰大名。

E 的读音为IPA[??] He is easy to deal with. K.K[?] 他很容易打交道。

F的读音为 IPA[??] Will you sit on my left? K.K[??] 你坐在我左边好么?

G的读音为 IPA[????] Lots of students wear jeans nowadays. K.K[???] 现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。 H的读音为 IPA[????] Let me have a look at the book.

K.K[???] 让我看看这本书。 I的读音为 IPA[??] I could,and I should, but I won’t do it. K.K[??] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但我不愿意做。 J的读音为 IPA[????] He was jailed for tow years. K.K[???] 他被囚禁了两年。

K的读音为 IPA[???] In any case, it’s none of your business. K.K[??] 无论如何,那事于你无关。 L的读音为 IPA[??] I have something else to tell you. K.K[??] 我还有些话要告诉你。

M的读音为 IPA[??] The baby is real gem; he never cries. K.K[??] 这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。 N的读音为 IPA[??] Ten to one he has forgotten it.

K.K[??] 他很可能已经忘记了。 O的读音为 IPA[??] I hope I can see you again. K.K[?] 我希望我能再见到你。 P的读音为 IPA[???] He recovered his peace of mind. K.K[??] 他恢复了平静的心情。

Q的读音为 IPA[????] We had to queue for hours to get in. K.K[???] 我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。 R的读音为 IPA[??] Are you ready for the start? K.K[??] 你准备好出发了吗? S的读音为 IPA[??] Many people wish for success in life. K.K[??] 许多人都希望一生有所成就。 T的读音为 IPA[???] Would you like tea or coffee? K.K[??] 你要喝茶还是咖啡。 U的读音为 IPA[???] What do you plan to do this weekend? K.K[??] 这个周末你计划做什么? V的读音为 IPA[???] Language is the vehicle of human thought. K.K[??] 语言是人类表达思想的工具。

W的读音为IPA[ ????????]You are always welcome at my house. K.K[ ???????] 随时欢迎你到我家来。 X的读音为 IPA[???] His English is excellent. K.K[???] 他的英文是优秀的。

Y的读音为 IPA[???] Why are you in such a good mood? K.K[???] 你为什么心情这么好? Z的读音为 IPA[???] Zip up your fly. K.K[??] 拉上你的拉链。

第二章 三最法突破发音




“三最”法就是最大声;最清晰;最快速地反复操练句子或短文以达成地道美语“脱口而出”。这是李阳疯狂英语最神奇(magical)的方法,效果卓著。 这种练习只要稍微坚持,便可出现明显效果。经过这种培训的学生根本不知道害怕讲英语,就算是在初次和外国人交流是比较紧张,但由于平常接受的是“超级激烈的”极端训练,一紧张,害怕便产生了神奇的效果: “最大声”变成了正常的音量(normal volume); “最快速”变成了优雅的语速(elegant speed); “最清晰”变成了“模模糊糊”(ambiguous;vague)的地道英语(genuine English)最高境界


There are four people named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody. There was an important job to be done and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it. Some body got angry about that because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. 有四个人分别叫做:“每个人”、“某个人”、“任何人”和“没有人”。有一次,他们每个人都要


Everybody’s business is nobody’s business






Days get longer and warmer in the spring. There are new leaves on the trees. Flowers begin to grow.

Rain makes the grass green and helps the plants grow.

Spring is the time of new life. Nature puts on new clothes in many colors —red, yellow, blue, white, and purple. Birds build nests in the spring. Many baby animals appear.

People like to make gardens and farmers plant crops in the fields.

Spring is the season for young love. “In the spring a young man’s thoughts turn to love.” according to an old saying.

第三章 一口气突破发音

秘诀4 一口气训练法

当美国人讲话的时候底气很足,令人羡慕!为什么呢?因为他们讲话时用的是腹腔、胸腔、喉腔、口腔、鼻腔“合五为一”所以底气十足。我们中国人讲话使用的是嘴巴,没有底气,说话时发音不饱满,力量不足。所以我们中国人要想说一口地到流利的英文,必须在“五大发音秘诀”和“三最口腔肌肉训练法”之后,再用“一口气训练法”疯狂操练。 做法很简单:你只要深呼吸,然后再一口气里尽量多读。经过一段时间的训练以后,原来需要换几次气才能读完的一句话或小短文,一口气里就能轻松读完! 经典范例:

A: Hi Stone! How have you been?

B: Great! What about you?

A: Sorry, I’m so late getting back to the office. How’s everything. B: Oh, I’ve been super.

A: Hey, could I borrow your car for the weekend?

B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it.



中国人习惯用嘴巴说话,显得比较“单薄”,有气无力;美国人习惯用腹部的力量说话,浑厚有力。这就是中国人说英语和英美人说英语的最大区别。 疯狂做法:平时练习英语时,尽量运动腹部的肌肉,刚开始有点别扭,坚持一下,便会产生效果。 中国人开口说英语就能听出是中国口音。请听下面的录音。

How are you doing?

A: How are you doing, Lee?

B: I beg your pardon?

A: How ‘s everything? How are you getting along? B: I’m getting along fine, thank you.

A: Have you changed any of your ideas about this country? Do you still think English is the worst language in the world?

B: I’m beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. A: And what about the language? B: That idea hasn’t changed.

第四章 元、辅音发音操练

I’m not myself today.




I don’t care what you do. We hope to see you again. The days are getting longer. 我今天没心情。

你做什么,我都不管。 我希望再次见到你。 白天越来越长。

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