
西南科技大学高等教育自学考试(信息管理与服务)毕业论文 I


西南科技大学高等教育自学考试(信息管理与服务)毕业论文 II



随着网络技术的迅速发展,各种依托网络开展的攻击技术也得到了蔓延。黑客攻击手段越来越丰富,各类破坏力较大的攻击工具、文摘在网上唾手可得;中小企业的安全现状常常使得他们成了黑客攻击破坏的首选 “试验品”。另外病毒的发展已经远远超过人们预期的想象,破坏性越来越严重;加上企业内部信息安全管理制度的疏漏,为一些不法人员提供了大量的犯罪途径。中小企业迅速建立完善的信息安全体制已经势在必行。


西南科技大学高等教育自学考试(信息管理与服务)毕业论文 III

Small and medium-sized network security planning and


Abstract: the small and medium-sized enterprise in the business for the information technology and network more and more rely on the information security, must cause the attention. However, because the enterprise will mainly focus on the various business applications development, coupled with the limited funds, technology, personnel and security awareness and other factors, the information security construction and often relatively lag. Some enterprises have adopted the\measures, but many small and medium-sized enterprise what safety protection measures are not, let a person worry about.With the rapid development of network technology, a variety of relying on network attack technology is also spread. Hackers means more and more abundant, all kinds of destructive force larger attack tools, abstracts online with extreme ease; small and medium-sized enterprise security status often makes them into a hacker attack preferred \expectations of imagination, damage is more and more serious; plus enterprise internal information security management system for omissions, some unscrupulous persons to provide a large number of pathways in crime. Small and medium-sized enterprises rapidly establish and improve the information security system has be imperative.

Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises; network security

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