
第三节语篇补全阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能 填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共4 小题,计8分)

John and his friends planned to go on a road trip.(56)___

Because John bought a new car three days ago.They wanted to drive

to Washington. John prepared(准备)something for their trip. He bought CDs with their favorite songs.They would

sing beautiful songs(57)_____They could eat the food on the way. John met his friends in the early morning.After five hours,they got to a new place.John showed them a map. There were many dots(点)on it. (58)____

said Mary. She knew(知道) that those places were very interesting. “(59)_____said John.” So all his friends found a big hotel to sleep They were so tired

A. We should visit these places one by one(一个接一个) B. what's the best time to visit China C. They would like to drive a car D Lets have a good rest now

E. John also took a lot of delicious food

Ⅳ 写作技能 (40分)

第一节 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提问题 10分 Dear Selina,

I have some rules at my house. I have to stay at home on school nights. I have to do my homework and practice the violin. I can’t watch TV. Well, I can go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but I have to be home before 9:30 p.m.

What rules do you have at your house? Write and tell me about them.


Dear Molly,

I also have rules at my house. On school nights I usually can’t go out. But sometimes I can do my homework at a friend’s house. Well, I can watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. On Saturday afternoons, I can go shopping (购物) with my friends. I can buy my own clothes. That’s nice, right? Selina 根据材料内容回答下列问题。

60. Can Molly go out on school nights?

____________________________________ 61. What does Molly have to practice at home?


62. What time does Molly have to be home on Saturday nights?

____________________________________ 63. How long can Selina watch TV at night?


64. Who does Selina go shopping with on Saturday afternoons?


第二节 中英文互译 10分

65. It’s cloudy. 66.这儿附近有家银行吗? 67. Is he short or tall? 68. 我想要大碗的。 69. 她与她同学去的。

第三节 根据下面的方框内容完成对话,补全对话内容 10分 A: Hello, Amy speaking.

B: Hi, Amy. This is Tina. ___70 _____? A: Not bad. _71_________?

B: I’m visiting the History Museum in Beijing. A: __72____________________?

B: Yes, it’s sunny and hot in Beijing now. A: ___ 73______________?

B: I came to Beijing with my parents. A: I hope you’ll have a good time. B: __ 74_______.

You’re wele. Thank you. How’s it going? What did you do? What are you doing? Is it sunny now? Who did you go with?

第三节 情景作文 12分

My last weekend

Time Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Sunday evening

Activities Visit the farm and ride a horse Put up a tent and camp by the lake Fly a kite Go home and have a rest Do homework 期末考试初一年级英语答案 一.听力: 1-5 ACBBA 二.单项选择:

21-25.BABAC 26-30. CABAB 31—35.CBAAC 36—40.BCACB 三.完形填空:

41-45.ACCAB 46—50.ABCCA 四.阅读理解

51-55.ACACB 56---59 CEAD 回答问题:

60.No,she can’t./No. 61. Practice the violin. 62.Before 9:30 p.m. 63.For half an hour. 64.With her friends. 翻译语篇

65. 今天多云。 66. Is there a bank near here?

67他是矮还是高? 68.I’d like a large bowl. 69. She went with her classmates. 完成对话

70.How’s it going? 71.What are you doing? 72. Is it sunny now? 73. Who did you go with? 74. Thank you.

6-10 CACBA

11-15 CACBB

16-20 CACBA

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