应用型大学英语视听说教程 第二册

授课时间 授课方法 和手段 授课题目 (章、节) 第三周 周一1.2,5.6节(10会计A班) 周一3.4,7.8节(10会计B1班) 采用计算机多媒体课件辅助教学 讲授法,练习法 UNIT 2 Success Part II Listen and watch 课次 课时 安排 5 2学时 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): To provide and ask the students to practice different listening materials on the topic of success To enhance the students’ basic skills of language A: pronunciation—stress and reduction B: use of language—how to express one’s opinions clearly To raise the students’ awareness of western culture and understanding of success 教学重点及难点: Stress and weak in pronunciation; Vocabulary on recipe for success and cases of successful person 教学内容与教学组织设计(90分钟): Section two: Special English programs Item 3: Walt Disney: Dreams and Making Dreams Come True 1.Word tips related to the listening material extreme 过分的,极度的 animated 动画的 capture 引起(注意,想象等) 2. Listen for details and deal with the exercises 1. Which of the following statements about the song is not mentioned in the report? 2. According to the speaker, Walt Disney Company is a company which ___. 3. Check up the answers 4. Ask the students to recite the song 5. Explain the background knowledge of Walt Disney Company and Pinocchio

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Section three: Read after me Listen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the underlined words which are read in their weak forms Section four: Real world listening—Recipe for success 1.Word tips related to the listening material curriculum 课程 guarantee 担保,保证 recipe 方法,秘诀 inspiring 鼓舞人心的,激励的 constantly 经常地 始终 conventional 传统的 2. Listen for details and deal with the exercises 1.Choose the best answers to the following questions 2.Listen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you’ve heard 3. Check up the answers 4. Show the transcript of the listening material, and tell students more background information about Obama 5. Show the students another video about Obama’s speech and ask them to imitate Watch the music video, and ask the students to try to listen to the lyrics Assignment : 1.Ask the students to review what they have learned in class 2.Ask the students to do a research on successful people 3.Ask the students to recite any part of Obama’s speech for at least 3 minutes Summary:

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授课时间 授课方法 和手段 授课题目 (章、节) 第三周 周一1.2,5.6节(10会计A班) 周一3.4,7.8节(10会计B1班) 采用计算机多媒体课件辅助教学 讲授法,练习法 课次 课时 安排 6 2学时 UNIT 2 Success Part III Let’s talk; Part IV Supplementary tasks 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): To provide and ask the students to practice different listening materials on the topic of social etiquette To enhance the students’ basic skills of language A: pronunciation—stress and reduction B: use of language—how to make, accept or reject suggestions To raise the students’ awareness of western culture and social etiquette C: understanding and mastery of social etiquette 教学重点及难点: Expressions of stating one’s suggestions; Skills of dictation 教学内容与教学组织设计(90分钟): Section one: Stating your opinion 1.Read the graph and try to get the main idea of the listening material 2. Answer the following questions according to the video clip you’ve just watched 1. How does the speaker express his disagreement? 2. How does the speaker express his agreement? 3. How does the speaker express his opinion? 4. How does the speaker summarize his idea? 3. Check up the answers and show the students the script 4. Explain and ask the students to practice the usage of language—how to state one’s opinion: State an opinion Agree with an opinion Disagree with an opinion

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Summarize your idea Part IV Supplementary tasks A. Dubbing 1.Word tips snipe 沙滩鸟 porch 门廊 goggles 风镜,护目镜 steer 驾驶,控制 jerk 猛然一动 cumulonimbus 积雨云 2. Watch the video clip with the help of the lines and then do the dubbing job by watching the silent video clip. Pay attention to the characters’ mouth movements and try to achieve lip-sync. B. Story dictation—Attitude changes everything 1.Word tips surgery 外科手术 scar 伤疤 wheel 用有轮之物移动 allergic 过敏的 3. Listen to three stories and fill in the missing words. Assignment : 1.Ask the students to review what they have learned in class 2. Ask the students to recite any passage related to success 3. Ask the students to watch any video in English for at least 10 minutes and do the dubbing job with their partners. Pay attention to the pronunciation and emotions of the characters Summary:

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授课时间 授课方法 和手段 授课题目 (章、节) 第四周 周一1.2,5.6节(10会计A班) 周一3.4,7.8节(10会计B1班) 采用计算机多媒体课件辅助教学 讲授法,练习法 课次 课时 安排 7 2学时 UNIT 3 Environment Part I Warm-up; Part II Listen and watch 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): To provide and ask the students to practice different listening materials on the topic of environment To enhance the students’ basic skills of language A: pronunciation—sentence stress B: use of language—how to make and deal with complaints To raise the students’ awareness of environmental problems 教学重点及难点: Sentence stress in pronunciation; Vocabulary on environment 教学内容与教学组织设计(90分钟): I. Warm-up: Part A: Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list Part B: Ask and answer the following questions with a partner 1. What kind of environmental problems do you think we have? 2. What is the cause of these problems? 3. What can we do to solve these problems? Check up the students’ dialogues on the above questions. II. Listen and watch Section one: Listen for pronunciation skills Part A: Listen to the statements and mark the stressed words Part B: Listen and read each statement after the speaker Ask students to pay attention to the stressed words in sentences Explain to the students the skills in pronunciation about sentence stress and

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