

【奥鹏】[电子科技大学]18秋《大学英语1(本科)》在线作业3 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,-Haven't seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? -______

A、I hate the weather here.

B、My hair is getting a bit longer. C、Yeah, thanks for coming.

D、I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.

第2题,- I'm afraid I've got a terrible flu. - ______. A、Never mind

B、Keep away from me

C、Better go and see a doctor D、You need be more careful

第3题,-It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? -______.

A、With pleasure B、Yes, please C、Of course not D、Thank you

第4题,People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware _______ he had gone. A、of where

B、of the place where C、where D、the place

第5题,_______ is the population of Paris? A、How many B、How much C、How



第6题,Two thousand dollars ______ enough for the car. A、being B、were C、are D、is

第7题,The new order means ______ overtime. A、works B、worked C、to work D、working

第8题,I didn't hear the phone. I _______ asleep. A、must be B、should be

C、must have been D、should have been

第9题,_______ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription. A、Having finished B、Finishing C、Finished

D、Having been finished

第10题,It was in 2001_________ this type of car began to be popular with the teenagers. A、which B、then C、when D、that


第11题,Before he came to Japan, he had never heard a single Japanese word ______. A、speaking B、speak C、to speak D、spoken

第12题,I'm planning to study abroad and I need your advice. A、You do not have to. B、What can I do for you? C、空

D、You ask me?

第13题,It's been a wonderful evening. Thank you so much. A、My pleasure.

B、It does not matter. C、No. thanks. D、It is Ok.

第14题,I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another ______. A、occasion B、situation C、condition D、environment

第15题,- Do you mind changing seats with me? - _______

A、Yes, you can.

B、Of course, I like to. C、No, I don't mind

D、Certainly, please do.

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